Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Claythorpe Mill  Lincolnshire


in the county of Lincolnshire

Under the Orwell Bridge


in the county of Suffolk

Matlock Bath

Matlock Bath

in the county of Derbyshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

What is that ever present fragrance that permeates England?

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Linda-mary Sigley
Linda-mary Sigley
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quotePosted at 22:38 on 19th October 2011

Vince, I am almost teared up at your care and kindness in telling me that I might actually see Arundel.  And Hampton Court.  How incredible.  I thought we'd just look at those wonderful places and perhaps roll through an accesible garden.  Yes, I am in physio and doing well according to therapist.  So I can make it down 2 or 3 steps as long as someone strong puts an arm securely under my arm and shoulder.  Not under shoulder but put hand there.  My husband always helps.  But he has got some arthritis now so one of the wonderful people at Arundel could help and hubby Lee takes wheelchair down steps so I have something to grasp and maneuver into chair.  Quite strong upper body I have.  And no ailments in innards so stay strong.

We must cross the border into the land of Kernow and have cornish pasties for our dinner.  I know what they look like and look very tasty.  Lots of deliciousness waiting for us in Cornwall.

John, what is Land of cherries, strawberries, apples, cabbages (I like boiled cabbage) etc.?

I will look at pics of Lake District here on POE.  As for Cumbria the photos looked too much like terrain here.  I crave green and trees and flowers, birds and butterflies.  I can see barren brown with a lake at Lake Mead on border Arizona-Nevada then at Lake Powell in Arizona.  I've been seeing brown fields and hills all my life.  Same for hubby Lee.  So we're "greenies" lol.  But I will look again at Cumbria.  And first time at Lake District.  Hope we have time for all this.  We're going to try to stay all summer if possible.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 03:32 on 20th October 2011
On 18th October 2011 22:19, Linda-Mary Sigley wrote:
One little thing I want my husband to do at morning in a nice little restaurant.  When he orders to just say a full English please.  I know he'll love what he gets on his plate.  (I enjoy English food..bacon, egg , chips and peas...yummy)

If I order the full English breakfast, Linda-Mary, I'd say, "Full English breakfast, please, hold the black pudding."  lol

If you're going to stay the whole summer, you just might get to see a lot of the places you love.  I hope it all goes well and that your favorites are accessible. 


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Linda-mary Sigley
Linda-mary Sigley
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quotePosted at 07:17 on 20th October 2011

Very kind of you, Ruth.  I do hope we will be able to stay that long.  It depends on the sale of an extremely rare book my husband purchased.  Apparently the owners had no idea of what an original, signed by author, Book of Mormon, 1830 was worth.  We consulted the LDS Church headquarters in Salt Lake and we were bowled over at the figures they so kindly supplied along with photos of their copy.  We've done further research and are nearly positive it is the real thing.  We've never been able to take a real vacation before, not even a break.  Travelling was job-oriented so perhaps it is our turn.  We both want to go over very much.  Hubby Lee said to me "Does this place (England) always look like this?"  Affirmative I told him.  He wants to move lol.

I've had black pudding and liked it but perhaps too much salt for Lee.  So I'll tell him to order the way you said to.

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Brenda Harvey
Brenda Harvey
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quotePosted at 08:42 on 20th October 2011

I've so enjoyed reading everyone's suggestions for Linda Mary. It's giving me ideas for when I get there again, too. Linda, you mentioned Robin Hood's Bay. Often when I see a picture I like on POE, it turns out to be from there. I'm going to have to go. And the Yorkshire dales and moors really struck a bell. Not sure if it's because of the James Herriot books or what, but it always seemed like the most beautiful place on earth.

As for the black pudding, I did try that, but it wasn't my favorite. I did love the mushy peas, though. Nothing like them here. And I'd really like to get to Cornwall for those pasties. We have them here, crimped on the sides, but I can only imagine how wonderful they are in Cornwall being the real thing. 

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Diana Leclair
Diana Leclair
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quotePosted at 16:31 on 20th October 2011

I too have enjoyed reading everyones posts. And Brenda you mentioned James Herriots books and I have read all of them, they are among my favorites. I would love to visit the Yorkshire Dales.

Years  ago my daughter and I were visiting family in England and although we were not in Cornwall, Cornish pasties were her favorite.
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Linda-mary Sigley
Linda-mary Sigley
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quotePosted at 02:41 on 21st October 2011

Okay, now my mouth is watering with all the delicious food talk and thinking of strawberries and clotted cream.  If all goes well I will definitely have the mushy peas with my bacon, egg, and chips.  I love English food.  And I'm going to let myself have one shandy gaff in a pub.

Brenda, you'll love Robin Hood's Bay.  I enjoyed my time in the East Riding of Yorkshire.  Castle Howard is magnificent.  Wasn't it used in the show Brideshead Revisited? 

Oh, the Cornish pasties.  I would like to try one in Cornwall.  They look delicious.  Sounds like we'll be taking the "food tour"  Hubby Lee will love that I'm sure lol

Edited by: Linda-Mary Sigley at:21st October 2011 02:46
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