Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

St Mary's Church in Ashwell

Ashwell in the county of Hertfordshire


"Because a picture is worth a thousand words"

What is this site all about and who is it for?

This site is for potential tourists who wish to plan what to see and visit before their real journey around England begins. It's for ex-pats who become homesick or anyone who is away from our beloved country, misses it and wishes to journey back with our pictures and all their dreams. It's for people who wish to show others where they have been to, where they are going, or where they are from. It is for children and adults alike to learn from. It's for brave servicemen who were here during the world wars and wish to visit one more time, even from afar. It's for researchers and history lovers worldwide. Its for people of today and people of tomorrow to explore and enjoy England from and appreciate what we had once, what we still have today and what we will have in the future if we look after it. is for anyone anywhere in the world who wishes to see, explore and learn about beautiful England.