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UKIP are gaining ground, fast!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:29 on 13th April 2013


Well done Nigel Farage UKIP

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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 12:42 on 13th April 2013
I had a leaflet come through he door for conservatives, another one this morning which I ignored for a while thinking it was labour but when I looked at it I found it was for the UKIP therefore we have got one for his parish now.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 13:37 on 13th April 2013
Yippeeee Peggy! lol
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 13:12 on 15th April 2013
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Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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Posted at 13:30 on 15th April 2013
I have just read the artical Ron and i must say it was facinating,truthful and straight to the point.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 21:14 on 15th April 2013
As the report suggests Mike he will get even more support by making his position on Baroness Margaret Thatcher known and so he should in my opinion.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 16:22 on 18th April 2013

Just a couple of weeks to go before the people get to tell the joker where he can stick his government and every bad decision that goes with it.

I honestly believe that Nigel Farage and UKIP are going to give them the biggest thrashing in Englands political history. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:33 on 20th April 2013
Give the jokers a punch on the nose this time and vote UKIP to get us out of Europe, out of the s..t and cap immigration at the same time. That's just for starters!
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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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Posted at 03:23 on 24th April 2013

The Greek finance minister has openly admitted the people no longer have control in their "democratic" country, as the government has imposed new and extravagant taxes in the name of "economic emergency." Average earners are suffering.

Last year Portugal confiscated $7.5 billion in private savings to "meet deficit targets." Ireland and Hungary have also carried out similar measures.So have Poland and France.

Undeclared income from self-employed Greeks amounted to €28 billion in 2009. Greece lost €11.2 billion euros in tax revenues as a result.Doctors lead the way: Their real income was almost 2.5 times higher than the amount they declare. Lawyers were not far behind, with economists, journalists, and those in the entertainment business rounding out the top slots on the list of income tax dodgers.Tax evasion was not limited to the wealthy.



Edited by: Ken Marshall at:24th April 2013 06:27
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:10 on 24th April 2013

Wonder why don't they do a 'Hong Kong' Ken in reducing or even cutting out taxation altogether for a period of time and what would happen then, we would all prosper again. We would all be out spending the contents of our piggy bank and thus creating jobs, exports, wealth ultimately making Britain Great again.

That said, it's pretty obvious given the opportunity that most would hang on to any earned or unearned income wherever they could, avoiding telling all in such dire circumstances. Why can't they see that?

Anyway, the lesson here is if you are lucky enough to have funds in a bank, get them out before the Government does the same to us. So what if we do that, where do we put our money I here you say. Answer: Buy gold coins like the one ounce Krugerrand (currently worth about £1000.00 each) and hide them.

When you want cash you take one to the bank and cash it, but be aware that the value of Gold goes up as well as down so your wealth will go with it.

Please note: This is my opinion not financial advice, but not all that long ago you could buy this coin for under £300.00 so good profit there if you knew what you were doing eh?

No wonder we are in the s..t!

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