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UKIP are gaining ground, fast!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:20 on 20th November 2012

See what the Guardian has to say at

They beat the Liberals to take third position, so what do you think members?

Will UKIP dish out the biggest shock at the next election?

Personal opinion, I sincerely hope so and yes, yes, yes I want OUT of Europe!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:54 on 21st November 2012

I think the majority of us 'old uns' want out of Europe don't we, and maybe the 'young uns' too when they realize how much we have to contribute daily!

C'mon UKIP!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:26 on 23rd November 2012

Cameron finally says we don't want any increase in payments to Europe and we keep our rebate, but wait and see what he comes away with. I reckon it will be nothing, and nothing!

Get us out of this place Nigel Farage (UKIP)

BTW how come you haven't signed up as a POE member yet?

More visitors to this site than the official England site so a real opportunity to get your message across.

We want Nigel, we want Nigel, we want Nigel....well I do anyway, what about you members, any thoughts on UKIP?

Edited by: Ron Brind at:23rd November 2012 08:28
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:25 on 24th November 2012

Rotherham Borough Council have apparently removed three 'foster children' from a couples care, because they are members of UKIP!

If there had been any doubts about the couples ability to look after the children then surely they should not have been placed with them in the first place should they?

And since when has being a member of a Political Party been the business of any Council? I trust Rotherham Borough Council will now remove foster children from carers who are members of the Tory Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Party and so on...

If not, I see a case of victimization developing here.

In my opinion another case of 'do-gooders' poking their nose into something that really shouldn't concern them (unless they are worried about UKIP taking their seat of course) because as I say above they have already cleared the couple as carers!

C'mon Nigel Farage UKIP sort this Council out!

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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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Posted at 13:08 on 24th November 2012

I see the Rotherham issue is now on National TV News. Hopefully this will open the debate and expose the lunacy of misguided political correctness which discourages fostering.


It might also do some good for UKIP in the long run

Edited by: Edward Lever at:24th November 2012 13:18
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 15:29 on 24th November 2012

Just looked at the link Edward, and Rotherham Borough Council deserve everything they are going to get!

Already lots of blog to the Telegraph site with people making their feelings very clear!

And I agree it has handed UKIP a fantastic PR advantage, excellent news!

C'mon Nigel Farage UKIP...give the Council what they deserve! You've got my vote secured in the next election regardless of the outcome here, but this is a gem for you.

However, as the reporter from the Telegraph suggests, pity they had to tear decent foster carers apart. Carers who will be loved by the whole of the UK regardless of what Political Party they belong to.

Wonder what Cameron and the other lot will have to say about it? Nothing I bet, for fear of playing into the hands of UKIP who if things continue the way they are will form the next Government!

Yes! Start packing the bags in Europe we are on the way out!!


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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 15:42 on 24th November 2012

Agree all above posts,    something which annoys me is people are going to have to work longer to get their pensions and retire to have some pleasure if health let them in their later years and young people can't get jobs to earn money to plan for their future, I did write to our MP to ask the logic in this, maybe there is some which I am unaware of but I did not get a reply.

The thefts around here are getting worse, the police are always notifying us as to the new scams which are happening, I must admit these people are very clever and professional at it,

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 16:31 on 24th November 2012

Far too many do-gooders around these days. Who needs them. They are a plague just like Health and Safety and this up for a major overhaul by all accounts......hundreds of H&S rules and regulations are due to be scrapped, why were they ever there in the first place.

I'm certainly coming round to your view Ron.....UKIP

 A really big shake is well overdue

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 16:40 on 24th November 2012
Ithought we had a shake up last time--promises here and there.
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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 16:53 on 24th November 2012
Like a bag of crisps James.....probably couldn't find little bag of salt to shake.......and as to politicians promises, even at my age I am more inclined to believe in Father Christmas and fairies at the bottom of the garden. I reckon 90% of 'em are only in it for an easy ride and what perks they get out of it for themselves.
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