Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of Threlkeld Quarry and Mining Museum


in the county of Cumbria

Cottages on the Common


in the county of Essex

Discover England: Photos, History, Maps & Hotels

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Submit Your Pictures Here is a unique photo-sharing website that explores the picturesque villages, historic market towns and cities, and other attractions throughout England, with accompanying photographs, history, facts and much more. Membership is free, so please sign up and start sharing (and possibly selling) your photos with people all over the world...

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A picture of Norwich, a Historic City in the county of Norfolk
Submitted by Cor Daalder on 16th June 2024

A picture of Sissinghurst, in the county of Kent
Submitted by Cor Daalder on 16th June 2024

A picture of Sissinghurst, in the county of Kent
Submitted by Cor Daalder on 16th June 2024

A picture of Hunstanton, a Seaside Town in the county of Norfolk
Submitted by Patricia Bullock on 16th June 2024

A picture of Brancaster, in the county of Norfolk
Submitted by Patricia Bullock on 16th June 2024

A picture of Worcester, a Historic City in the county of Worcestershire
Submitted by William Phillips on 15th June 2024

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Stonehenge, with its ancient stones standing in stoic silence, has long been a magnet for conspiracy theories and mysteries. One persistent theory suggests extraterrestrial involvement in its construction, proposing that advanced beings from outer space aided or even built the monument. While lacking scientific support, this idea fuels the imagination with visions of ancient astronauts shaping the stones for an unknown cosmic purpose. Other theories delve into the mystical, proposing Stonehenge as a center for ancient rituals, including claims of druidic ceremonies or connections to the legendary King Arthur. The lack of definitive answers about Stonehenge's purpose adds an air of intrigue, allowing conspiracy theories to persist, adding to the mystique of this enigmatic prehistoric monument.
Created by David Coe

Derwent Dam: A Historic Icon in the Heart of Derbyshire

Derwent Dam: A Historic Icon in the Heart of Derbyshire

The location and history of the Derwent Dam in Derbyshire
Created by David Coe

The Native Trees of England: A Botanical Tapestry

The Native Trees of England: A Botanical Tapestry

Explore some of England's native trees, their history, and their uses. Their diverse characteristics and historical significance, form an integral part of the nation's identity.
Created by David Coe