Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages


Windsor in the county of Berkshire


Kingsbury in the county of Warwickshire

Stained Glass Church Window

Berkeley in the county of Gloucestershire

Seaside Towns in Norfolk

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Blakeney, Norfolk

The 100ft tower rising above the Church of St.Nicholas is a landmark that can be seen for miles around. At the eastern end of the church, a smaller tower acts as a beacon to guide vessels to the safety of Blakeney Harbour.

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Cromer, Norfolk

Famous for delicious Crab for which folk still travel for miles to catch fresh, or buy from the quayside.

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Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

This is one of Norfolk's premier holiday resorts. Its main attraction is its miles of lovely golden sands backed by dunes and a broad seafront walk amongst pretty flower beds.

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Hunstanton, Norfolk

Hunstanton was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1087 when it would have been little more than a settlement.

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Salthouse, Norfolk

The village is renowned as a haven for wildlife, it is the place to go in winter if you want to see a good migratory flock of Snowbuntings, and other migratory birds who invade the area in vast numbers.

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Sheringham, Norfolk

This delightful resort grew up from what was once a small fishing village, some of the old cottages belonging to the fisher-folk of yester-year still survive close to the shore at the far end of the town.

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Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk

This is an enchanting seaside resort with old houses, shops and pubs lining the maze of narrow streets leading to the quayside.

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Winterton-on-Sea, Norfolk

When Daniel Defoe visited this quaint coastal village in the year 1725, he famously wrote that almost half the houses in the village where built of timber taken from wrecks.

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