Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

All Saints Church, Godshill


in the county of Isle of Wight

Carisbrooke Castle, on the Isle of Wight


in the county of Isle of Wight

Cromer, Norfolk


a Seaside Town in the county of Norfolk

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

When is C. S. Lewis' Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia to be released?

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Dennis White
Dennis White
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quotePosted at 23:36 on 20th May 2008

Let's see: 1) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; 2) Prince Caspian; 3) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; 4) The Silver Chair; 5) A Horse and His Boy; 6) The Last Battle ... AHHH!  I can't remember one of the titles! DRAT!  I know I could look it up, but that would be cheating, which would show that I hadn't learned a thing by reading the series...




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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:51 on 21st May 2008
Well done Dennis of course, but you are an American from where passion for this great man exudes from almost every quarter! My point was that the 'Brits' would have very little knowledge of these titles. Remember the little survey I did, who was C. S. Lewis, what did he write? Seventy per cent of Brits questioned in Oxford thought C. S. Lewis wrote 'Alice in Wonderland'. I wonder how many Brits would honestly own up to not knowing via the forum? Credit to Lyn!
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quotePosted at 15:42 on 21st May 2008
Thankyou Ronald, at least i'm honest lol
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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 23:00 on 21st May 2008

I admit that I get them mixed up RonEmbarassed  And the Americans think more of our country and its history than the natives.

Last night I saw an American senator debating with his peers and he quoted the Great Man, Winston Churchill, and America has named one of their 'warships', I think, after him.  Can you imagine either of those two examples being repeated here. USA puts us to sahme sometimes.

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quote | editPosted at 23:01 on 21st May 2008
That should be 'shame'!  Oh POE where is that edit button!!
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Dennis White
Dennis White
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quotePosted at 23:50 on 21st May 2008

Sue (and all the rest of you dear British people),

Though I agree with you that many Americans have a love for England (and I am among them), I think the reasons for that affection are justified for reasons you do not mention ( though one could infer those higher reasons from your examples, and from the namesake of this post).  The gripes and complaints that I read in various posts on this site by Brits, about England, can (and are) made by Americans about the USA.  We don't like our abusive taxes, our arrogant "leaders" (who squander those tax dollars on any number of useless causes), and our high prices here any more than you do there.  I am one American who believes that these complaints put us in good company with America's founders - mostly Englishmen and women who having the same gripes, finally acted upon them.  I love England for many reasons: its beauty, its gracious people (and their melodic accents), its history of religious and patriotic devotion, and its defense of liberty.  I hope and that England always remains free, proud, strong and friendly with America. 

 Don't for a minute think though that we shame you in any way.  We are very much like you in so many ways, with many causes for embarrassment, and many causes for patriotic zeal.




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Dennis White
Dennis White
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quotePosted at 23:54 on 21st May 2008

It is true here as well that many Americans don't know the first thing about American history.  I have asked a number of my friends if they can tell me anything about the first paragraph in the Declaration of Independence, or if they can recite any part of the preamble to the Constitution, or if they know who the Vice President, or the Secretary of State or their Senators are, and more often than not, they don't know.

 Recently Barak Obama (a senator running for President here) said that he has visited 57 states already, and has one more to go!  (There are only 50 states here!)



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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:24 on 22nd May 2008

Dennis, you express my sentiments exactly about England and the US.  Also, I confess to being apolitical...although I do have a love of colonial history, but then, so much of colonial history is tied up with our founding fathers who (Whom?  I can never remember! There, American's are grammatically challenged too! LOL!) were English.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 13:43 on 22nd May 2008
Dennis and then Diana in the above posts. You say it all, but let me just say that we Brits love you Americans as well (well generally anyway!!). Remember this though....had you not have kicked us Brits out of America 350 years ago, your land could have looked like ours!! He, he!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:10 on 22nd May 2008
On 22nd May 2008 13:43, Ron Brind wrote:
Dennis and then Diana in the above posts. You say it all, but let me just say that we Brits love you Americans as well (well generally anyway!!). Remember this though....had you not have kicked us Brits out of America 350 years ago, your land could have looked like ours!! He, he!

Yes Ron, I am afraid you are right.  The queen vs Barak Obama...hmmm, is it to late to switch sides? LOL!Laughing
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