Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages



a Seaside Town in the county of Devon

Village cottages

Castle Acre

in the county of Norfolk

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

There's always been a Baggins living here ... under the hill .. in Bag-End.

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Rikki Kane
Rikki Kane
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quotePosted at 11:43 on 31st July 2009

I’m about to be a successful novelist and when I can afford it, I plan to take all the necessary steps to have a house built under a hill in the countryside (as similar to Bag-End as possible). I’m deadly serious too!


I was wondering if any of you could recommend where the best place would be to do this, so I can live out my peaceful life writing books in my hobbit dwelling, enjoying the beauty of the English countryside with lots of tea and goodies in the pantry.


And in the evenings, perhaps a nice stroll to a pleasant restaurant for some great food, red wine, and some friendly chats. Any ideas? And would I get the planning permission easily enough?

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quotePosted at 11:48 on 31st July 2009
Hope your dreams come true rikki, however, getting back down to earth, welcome to POE
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Rikki Kane
Rikki Kane
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quotePosted at 11:51 on 31st July 2009
Thanks mate! I really appreciate that! I am serous though, would my dream be possible if I had the cash?
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 11:52 on 31st July 2009
I hear cookoo land is very nice?  could try there! Smile
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 11:54 on 31st July 2009
Yeah if you had the cash i'm sure you could do it, but if you had the cash..would you want to do it?  probably not by then, nice idea though.
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Rikki Kane
Rikki Kane
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quotePosted at 11:57 on 31st July 2009

No I am deadly serious Jason. Bag-End is my favourite place in the whole world (ok, eben though it exist in The Fellowship of teh Ring). I don't think I'm very far away from having that sort of cash too. My house in London is decorated as Bag-End already!

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quotePosted at 11:57 on 31st July 2009
There are lots of pictures to look at on POe Rikki and lots of places to see but as a 34 year old I'm sure youve been out of the city already?
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quotePosted at 12:01 on 31st July 2009
I think our member 'Ray' may be able to assist with your English grammar Rikki, He's a qualified expert in the feild.
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Rikki Kane
Rikki Kane
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quotePosted at 12:06 on 31st July 2009

There's nothing wrong with my grammar, I'm just using a very dodgy keyboard at the moment. And I've just received a contract offer for my first novel!  :-)))

It's probably why I'm so excited and decided to join this site! My dream is so close now!

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:56 on 31st July 2009

I've always dreamed of living in the treetops with the Elves myself. lol!!! Laughing Especially this one Wink:

Edited by: Diana Sinclair at:31st July 2009 14:57
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