Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

The local


in the county of East Sussex

A stunning view from Earls Seat, on The Campsie's, above Strahblane looking north to Loch Lomond.


in the county of Stirlingshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

hello, i'm ray from northumberland

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:00 on 30th April 2008
On 30th April 2008 13:52, Ray Stear wrote:

I am a retired teacher,

Regards Ray S. 

A teacher  .

Wait! I've been out of school for the last 35 years, i don't have to be scared of teachers any more.

I think I'll open a thread about peoples jobs, or former jobs. As I don't want to run this thread off any more than it already is.

So go and find my new thread ladies and gentlemen.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:25 on 30th April 2008
Sue, that really is a great pic for the avatar, it even looks as if you have lost weight since the last posted - intentional? Apart from anything else we need to know who to look for when you arrive back in Wheatley!
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:47 on 30th April 2008

Well thank you all for your nice comments on my new picture.

And Ron, lost weight, now that is right up there with saying I look young, you join with Roy, I'm in love with you too       .

As for the weight, I've lost it, gained it and and loosing it again. It's a never ending battle. Actually it will end, on my 50th birthday, as I've promised myself that I am not going to spend the rest of my life fretting over weight.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:18 on 30th April 2008
On 30th April 2008 15:47, Sue Herrera wrote:

As for the weight, I've lost it, gained it and and loosing it again. It's a never ending battle. Actually it will end, on my 50th birthday, as I've promised myself that I am not going to spend the rest of my life fretting over weight.

I know the feeling Sue. LOL! It has been an ongoing battle for me over the years.  But about a 8 months I decided, like you, that I had had enough and it was time to change my attitude towards food.  Thus began my low carb life style.  I have to say it works very nicely for me and I have no desire (knock on wood...LOL!) to go back to my old ways.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do Sue...although you DO look great now!Smile

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quotePosted at 19:54 on 30th April 2008
I've never had a problem regarding weight, have never had to go on any special diet to lose it..... but due to an illness I lost 1.5stone in 4 weeks, not to be recommended though! I dont even know how to 'count the calories' lol
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:52 on 1st May 2008
Lucky you Lyn, not to have to worry about a diet that is, perhaps your nickname should be 'LL' Lucky Lyn? Buy an extra lottery ticket this week!!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 13:56 on 1st May 2008
Lyn, I can see your 'new' pic here also. You have the blue water or sea behind you, hair freely over the shoulders, looks maybe like a black or certainly dark top. You obviously need the power of POE here!
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:32 on 1st May 2008
GREAT picture, Lyn.
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 15:06 on 1st May 2008
Wow, I can only see the old picture. I wonder why???Undecided
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quotePosted at 16:04 on 1st May 2008
Yes I can see it as well now lol, I dont know why it took so long to show up!  That was a pic taken in Sardinia, blue sea, blue sky and a pretty boring place to go to on holiday lol Thanks for your comments Sue and Ron, I dont know why you cant see it still Diana.
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