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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:06 on 3rd March 2011
good day hope all are ok Smile
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Posted at 13:23 on 3rd March 2011
Hello everyone. Home for the rest of the week with Erin. My poor baby has pneumonia!! Frown
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 18:51 on 3rd March 2011

G'day all!

Krissy, I am so sorry to hear about Erin. God grant her a speedy recovery. xoxo

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 21:02 on 3rd March 2011

Hi Krissy and all.

Prayers the way of Erin right now Krissy. Anna and I look forward to better news soon.

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Posted at 21:22 on 3rd March 2011

Good Day, It's starting to get warm here, hope everyone is alright. Have a personal day!


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 00:23 on 4th March 2011

Yes, becomes nearly an book in ways...but I learn an lot. Some times it's hard for me to know the truth for what's wanted by succeeding generations doing an bit of  "changing"..and other times I get angry over what others say...leaving others out...because they think  of themselves "one better" I suppose...then there's the fact that about 70 per cent of what's on-line you must "buy it" to obtain your own given name. Though it's well known that costs.. do incur from things...anything these days seemingly. But I like this work in ways. It weaves an interesting story I think. Most always one of strife.....struggle and sometimes even "joy".. reguardless to station in ones life. I have always thought of each and everyone of us "unique" to been born to begin with from our creator God...we do have an is to "free" the souls of others and in ourselves being redeemed perhaps.

 It is heart rendering to go to Saponitown web are people with Native American's many half white/half Native American Indian...struggling...because they were from roots taken Indian captives, they fight having been put down in records as "Mulatto's" often so referred to African cultures/slaves...and now through DNA testing they are showing up to be of all things early "Jewish" legacy from the middle-east. They call them now Meulgelons. They are though "hurt" to be considered in their day..second class citizens. It was not thier fault someone in their line living in an cabin in an remote area had it broken into by savage tomahawking individuals out for revenge. I was just reading Col. Mercer took and force fo 3,000 and freed 150 Pennsylvanians and 60 some Virginians at one time...and on the other side of the coin...imagine the struggles with the Native Americans trying to live on ground they suddenly find themselves in constant moving from the white people, they come like an bad disease consuming and taking everything in their path. Make thier kids into "Catholics"...beat them half to death to get the "indian" out of them...forced them into subjection of poverty and starvation....and ripped families apart as they made the kids go to boarding schools to learn the "whiteman's" way....they have an deep soul hurt also. In both cases enough to leave an tear in your eye reading about them. And so what of the pristine landed gentry....whom most always ended up in poverty if the family's maintained themselves to the Rev.War era, most of them got to fund it...because some of them had is the very and only reason others want to "bring them down" in what they say about them. The middle class simply strives to keep alive from day to day from everyone else. Until you know these really don't get an adequate picture of conditions and circumstances as they were. It is why I have been so long at this work..for I've had to learn the traits of their family travels, their cultures, and now thier DNA...which I understand has been improved three times over last year alone...its moving so quickly into the new age. The African-American's also feel an hurt in one cared rather they lived or not...let alone thier genealogy....yet the bible some thousands of years prior manage to through Ethopia. I once read the reason why you see "noah" with an walking staff is because his generations were kept on it from God. 

I give you ..on an short story below from yesterday. One of how I do this work in ways....
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 01:07 on 4th March 2011

Many years ago when I first started this work...I went with an stack of file cards in my hand...looking up known family names...and from thatt started writing down names of individuals to put in alphabetic sequence for easy look ups..and cross reference...until I could expand my studies on individuals...unlike just names an numbers...I have always felt there was no understanding of them, unless you got thier background also. So, I went into one day and knowing the "Murphy" family was kin....and what area...found and entry....Joseph Murphy married Jane to Tenneessee. Ok, so goes....there I picked up Joseph Murphy founded the Whitesides Methodist Church in what was then considered "Indian Lands" giving their wagon for payment...general book history. The Murphy family married the Hill family...the Hill family married the Lawson' Kentucky. This is my husband's gggrandfather's lineage. Yesterday...while looking for them again....I ran into someone else looking for them....and he had the name Joseph Murphy married Jane Barton...rather then Larkin...daughter of an William Larkin earlier with John Lawson and Thomas buying up land deeds for George Washington just before the Rev. War when he was ahead of the military..probably to build an chain of Forts for protection from the Indian raids. Anyway....I had little information on this son James to go on...other then the family went to St. Charles, Missouri. But listed as one of his children was an Ait ha ha Murphy...this is not your usual "Scot-Irish" name. So I went back to locate this church they had built and find out it's at "Cades Cove" in Tenn. Named after an Indian Chief...called by other "Kade" an historical rendition of the area. At this time was around the beginnings of the "Trail of Tears" which killed thousands enroute to be removed to Oklahoma on an Reservation. Many of them "scattered" and hid to be kept from this walk across country. Andrew Jackson is the only person I've seen white people talk negatively about as much as the Indians...he took this on for an "Name"....prestige...and of course later on...the Presidency. I thought about getting hold of Saponitown to see if they could tell me any more but have put that off....instead I went to askon the "net" about Native American names...and they supplied me with this...Aiyanna....Variant spelling to aiyana..which means "Ever blooming/blossoming". I tought how beautiful to look at your daughter and when you call her know her name means "ever blossoming"..I have in my mind she must of been an beautiful little girl. So after thatI went to St. Charles, Mo....and its early beginnings....and it says amoung it's first settlers is Daniel Boone...and his family...and that the first setllers got thier land deeds by Frenchman Leclede "verbally" as the French did not issue land deeds at this time...where my husbands family is from was named from him. Daniel Boone is in the wane of his age in this area...and his glory of an Fronitersman and all he did would be left to us to make fame...he was lucky to have one man so fascinated by him to do exactly all that. Also in this area are the relics left of the Chaokia burial Mounds....not sure if I spelled that correctly...but they are said to be thousands of years old an natural mystery...they represent an snake..or the milky way. What happened to this family I don't know...we may have an younger brother out here in early younger years that built and Methodist Church by the name of Mathew Murphy though.Story is not done husband's grandfather...son of Nimrod Lawson...was named also "James" and he as an elder of his church also represented it in the Bracken Association of Baptist for several years on end...they last left it just before the civil war broke out...when they said init's final meeting "it is here by said in the cause of slavery.. to every man being subject to his God"...and word has it his uncle would be hung by the "Bushwackers" an vigilanty group of this As to Nimrod...he was probably named after George Washington's Ohio Land Company of William Nimmo...whom was an long line of Reverands and in this case..possible an naturalist over in England/Scotland in this time era that came to America...and with others was probably here helping to fiannce the REv. War as much as he was investing in lands. Nimrod goes back though to Noah's grandson though..of the flood in the bible. He carried an staff you know. Many fo thewse people connected were also "Masonic Lodge" members over here as well. Now..wasn't that better then just names and dates only??? now you know..."the rest of the story"!!!

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 01:25 on 4th March 2011

I am tired and need an couple of days rest myself...our coffee and cookies came in project fo selling what I do now, I have no oven to bake them with duaghter in-law maybe?My sister stayed last night also...let me excuse myself an couple of days if you please to refresh myself.

Thanks to informant that is keeping touch with us from ChristChurch New Zealand daily...she says that within the city they have formed is comprised of the media, for news is comprised of people homeless, where they can help them, and the third one is comprised of people that have water and some services...but can live in thier own houses. They formed an group which delivers tap water and anything else they might have to help to the homeless sector to keep down costs...and rebuild in the future.

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Posted at 07:11 on 4th March 2011

It was indeed much more interesting than names & dates Shirley. And good to hear that they are picking up their devastated lives in Christchurch.  I do hope there will be lots of very sensible aid afforded them.

Hi POElanders.  I hope you will all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend.Smile

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Posted at 07:39 on 4th March 2011
Hi everyone.Hope you have a wonderful day Smile
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