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Ramsgate Harbour. Kent. April 2006


a Seaside Town in the county of Kent

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

What is your biggest inspiration ?

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 21:46 on 7th July 2008
 Music must be high on my list
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:48 on 7th July 2008
my old fordson tractor and the travellers Mick and all
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 21:55 on 7th July 2008
My Dad - he died 19 years ago at 58 after having Multiple Sclerosis from when he was 40. Although he struggled being disabled he still ran his own successful business, was a great father and husband and had a big smile on his face every day. I aspire to be like him!
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quotePosted at 03:24 on 8th July 2008

my family.  they all are so loving, caring and supportive.


Stephanie, my mother also had MS for quite a few years, as did my grandmother.  she also was diagnosed with it in her mid 40's.  such a debilatating disease to watch someone suffer through.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 05:09 on 8th July 2008
Music's pretty high on my list, too, Mick.  I'm inspired by history too, not the famous battles or famous people, but just thinking about the lives of the everyday people throughout the centuries.  A mixed bag for sure, but a lot to ponder.
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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 07:43 on 8th July 2008

 I was once at a railway station waiting for a train to London, a bloke who was alone in a wheelchair was waiting for the same train to London. I helped the porter with his luggage after they had helped him into the carriage. I spent time with him during the journey and he told me he was off to see Italy. He had made no particular arrangements for his travel or places to stay, “just get out there and get on with it” he told me. I told him he was very brave. He said life was for living and not sitting down looking for reasons not to do what you want to do. He also said people like me were always around to help adding that some people are not like me…. I was proud to think I was a tiny part of his adventure. I often wonder how he got on in Italy. He is possibly one of the few people who have inspired me and made me think about my own life.

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Jo Adams
Jo Adams
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quotePosted at 13:29 on 8th July 2008
Yes a little kindness doesn't go amiss does it?  We were in Venice a few years ago when my husband offered to help a man who had to get up over a bridge with a lady in a wheelchair.  We were surprised at the other side of the bridge to see that the lady was Thora Hird.
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 14:08 on 8th July 2008
On 8th July 2008 03:24, Roses wrote:

Stephanie, my mother also had MS for quite a few years, as did my grandmother.  she also was diagnosed with it in her mid 40's.  such a debilatating disease to watch someone suffer through.

Yes it is Roses, sorry to hear that your mother and grandmother had to suffer too and it is always a comfort to hear other people's experience and know that you are not alone. I do think the experience has left me with a more positive outlook on life - I believe in living each day as it comes, enjoy each one because you don't know what is round the corner and appreciate your family, friends and everything you've got. My Dad was a fighter and he taught me to stand up for what I believe, He was an inspiration and that is why I picked him.

And Jo and Mick it is lovely to hear about your kindness - and isn't it amazing how a moments chance meeting can stay in your memory so vividly and be so inspirational.

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quotePosted at 15:04 on 8th July 2008
I'll have to think about this oneUndecided
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quotePosted at 17:14 on 8th July 2008
Music and some of my family. My biggest inspiration is my grandma, she's a real fighter, she passed away a few years ago but she fought cancer to the very last day and she thought me a lot in life. To be respectful and a lot of important life lessons, and to never give up on anything.
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