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Ever seen a Ghost ?

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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:49 on 12th October 2008
On 12th October 2008 21:46, Lyn Brant wrote:
No need to be sorry, to get back to the thread topic, did you work out the what the ghost was trying to say.

No but I wish I could Lyn B, so interesting, but so spooky
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quote | editPosted at 21:52 on 12th October 2008
Hi Sue,don't worry, an easy mistake to make with what I said, my Dad is still alive I just havn't seen him for many years, lets just say he will never win any awards for father of the year.
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:55 on 12th October 2008
You should most definately win an award for mother of the year Lyn B, Oh and ''mother-in-law'' of the year awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwEmbarassed
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quote | editPosted at 21:57 on 12th October 2008
AWWWW sweet, what are you after?
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:57 on 12th October 2008
Nothing at the moment, but remember what I said I will use that for later!
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Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 11:36 on 13th October 2008
no still not seen one and all
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Jeannie Fetters
Jeannie Fetters
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quotePosted at 07:18 on 24th May 2009

Oh my gosh, where do I begin. You guys have but chills all over me and I sure enough can't sleep now. No way hosea. I can't even gather myself to look out my window as I do all the time naturally, when someone drives by. I keep looking over my shoulder. Ok, I'm scared somebody please get over here and hug me. Help, ? Ok now I depend on let's see Ron? I'm to scared to think, Rick where are you? Sue? Diana? Denzel you still there? I have read everything you guys have posted, wait Jason, where are you? Krissy? mmmmm. I will not be scared, I will not be scared, I will not be scared.Ok I am going to start praying, if you want to laugh, you go right ahead. give me a second..... Ok.... Believe it or not, my heart is racing, you'd think I was already running, somewhere? Where? is a great question.
I will start with you Peter. Oh my gosh!!! How you sleep at night baffels me. How scary!!!!!!. First, I would be angry at my family, for not telling me the facts sooner.
Let me add: I get this way anyway (scared at night) ahh! my air conditioner, rekicked on and dimmed the lights and just scared me. I am laughing at myself, for getting scared. It was funny. I get scared at night when the kids are staying at my moms house during summer.My son goes to his dad's for 6 weeks, and sometimes my daughter goes and stays at my mom's for maybe 1 week or 2. Well, this year, for the first time in a long time, I will be by myself. I will probably have a lot of sleeplessnights. 1) I don't trust Charles, as he lives 10 blocks from me. 2) yes, I am still scared of him. 3) Someone the other night petrafied me. Someone knocked on my back door(chills going up my arm right now) just like Charles used to do. I panicked for a moment. Stupid me got brave and went to the front door, and yelled who is it? no answer. I finally just yelled "You'd better'd knock it off." I've lived here for 1 yr 10 mths. and nothing has ever happened till this particular night. I think it was my daughter's friend. I questioned him the next day, and so far nothing else has happened. (Thank you Jesus). (for those of you who do pray, please pray that Charles continues to leave me alone, he has caused me enough drama.)
Wolf, I think on your true story as well,with Sylvester, I think I would've been running side by side with your cat, I don't know which one of us would have reached your house first.
My grandma would always have me go to the milk barn for some reason, Ron? you've seen the picture I sent, of the barn? I would run as fast as my legs would go from grandma's back porch to the milk barn. All you could see was the light on at the milk barn, and the back porch light running back top the house. You had to pass grandpa's huge garden. The path way is open and clear of debree, and trees and all. put, between the milk barn and the back porch, it is totally dark. Anything could grab you. Going to the milk barn, from the back porch, on the right is grandpa's big garden, on the left is the old rock canning storage building, that always smeeled of old dust, and staleness. It gave me the creeps even in the daylight. The door of the storage buiding, something I never understood, was about 1 foot thick. I had never seen a door ever like this before, & still haven't till this day. I have only gone 1 foot into the storage building, I always told grandma she could go right on ahead, I was just fine where I was standing, easy access to run. My cat just rubbed against my leg, I 'bout left this computer and all. (your laughing aren't you) I am now that I've calmed back down.
I know that I have already talked alot, but I have more to add: I have had several incidents that have happened that I can't explain, maybe you all can help. 1 I can explain, to me it was the devil, and God. I will explain it close to last as I don't want anyone, upset, as I do believe in God, but, I am aware not everyone does.
1) I lived in a trailer house, anyway, the refrigerator, no joke, all I know as goosebumps go up my arm, somehow, somewhere, between the refrigerator and the wall, or inside the wall, all I know is we my daughter and I could hear music play. It was always the same tune. You know them music boxes like where you turn the little knob and it plays music. It was always the same tune. It played about every hour to 2 hours or so. It might not play all day long. And suddenly you would hear it. It only played for about 1 minute or so. I leaned my head out the back door, I heard nothing. I went to the hallway, heard nothing, I went to the room on the other side of the wall which would be behind the refrigerator, stuck my ear to the wall, heard nothing. Went to where the refrigerator was, leaned close to the counter top. You could hear the music play. Odd. ???? Don't understand it.
2)Right before I was pregnant with my daughter, her daddy and I lived in a very poor housing apartments. We lived in on the corner of "G" street and "12th" street. In down town Ft.Smith Ark. We liked it in "G" but needed a little more space. So we moved into apt."H" not really much bigger, but a just a tade. We only lived in "H" for 1 week. One night we were sitting in our living room/kitchen/bedroom. (yes, it was that little)($65.00/wk)(I was the only one working)Anyway, "???" the walls, started sweating, and red stuff ? started running so to speak down the wall, like how the water runs down your glass in the summer time, when you have ice in it. But, we had the air on, but it wasn't real hot outside, nor real hot inside. The red stuff looked sortof like ?rust?. The only thing we could come up with was, niccotine(cigerettes), or Something in the paint? Weirded out we moved, we probably didn't even stay there the whole week. I just remember moving in just as fast as moving back out. We didn't even finish unpacking. We moved back to "G" as fast as we could. I later on in life moved back to "G" when my daughter was, I think about 3. or so. I had noticed a bad smell, but brushed it off. Well, my best friend Angelia, was walking by, as I was outside. I hollered at her. She came over, and asked me how long I had been moved here. I told her I had just moved in. She started to grin, I asked why? what was wrong? I told her I thought the blue paint on the walls was nice. She informed me she had painted them. I complimented her. Then asked her what the horrible smell was. She said, "The mice are so bad here, you are smelling, there droppings." I 'bout threw up.. I hate mice. Well, small part about this story, I had to literally fight a mouse away from my 6 chicken nuggets, as this was the only meat Ihad left. the mouse tried to steal my chicken as I was cooking it in the pan. It came on top of the stove, and no joke stuck it's little paws on the side of my pan, and looked in my pan as if deciding which onee to steal first. I went to screaming at the mouse. As It was my chicken. She informed me, she moved out went she woke up to a mouse chewing on her hair as she slept. I begged mom to please let me come home. I swallowed my pride, and took in all of moms criticizism, but I got to move the next day. I don't recall sleeping that night.

Edited out a couple of words that are not acceptable on this family friendly site Jeannie. If you can't work out what they were you can let me know and I will send via the POE 'Contact this Member' form.

I am so terribly sorry Ron, please forgive me. I meant no, what you must think of me now. I'm sorry. I will delete as many as I find and change my wording as best as possible.

Edited by: Jeannie Fetters at:24th May 2009 09:42
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quote | editPosted at 09:06 on 24th May 2009

3) We later on moved to "13th" street and "I" still in Ft.Smith, Ark. I was pregnant with my daughter probably about hmm 3-4 mths. along. Anyway, we went to go to sleep that night, we slept in different rooms, his decision, it saddened me, but I dealt with it. (He cheated on me so many times I really have to sit and count them up.) (5 that auto. come to mind)(Crystal, Angelia (my best friend)(typical huh?), Susan, Alley Cat, (hence the name), Name? lady at our job, (that he held for 2 weeks, before he quit.) Anyway we went to go to sleep. I got up to turn the foriuer,(where is my dict.) (the little rooms you go into first before entering the rest of the house, where you hang your jackets.) Anyway the light was on. I got up to turn it off. laid down, it autom. came back on. Irriatated, I got up, turned it back off. laid down , agian the same thing. I went and got a small piece of paper, and shooved it into the light switch and jammed itnin there, to make it tighter, so it wouldn't come on. I turned it off, and you guessed it, it turned back on. I finally said, aloud, "Ok, we will leave it on. Just please don't harm me." And I went to sleep. Thatis not normal for me, but I didn't feel frightened, which was also odd for me. The next morning, Scooter,Stanley, my daughter's dad, said what had happened to him. Well, are you ready, He said, he was laying there. and all of a sudden, the edge of the bed sank in some as if someone was sitting down. He is freaking out by this time, so he slowly moves over some to kindly give theis being room to sit down. He said, the being dot up, walked between our weight bench and the wall, and vanished out the window and was gone.. Now in reality this could not happen. Because we lived on the 2nd floor., Our weight bench was flush up against the wall. The window was closed, locked, and we are on the 2nd floor? where did the being go? and how did she walk out on the outside of the window? whom was she? 1 month later we moved. We didn't have the money to move till then.
4) We lived somewhere over by Grand Ave. On North "I" street, in Ft. Smith. We later found out that the house we were living in, was possibly haunted. How nice to figure this out as we are finally moving out huh? My daughter was around 1 1/2 , just barely at that talking stage. Well, on her dad's side they have an interesting quality, to recoginized things others don't see. Scooter had told me stories of there Grandma messing with them sometimes, but never scary, just always in fun. Like changing the radio station on them, she would do this alot. that's how they knew it was her. They'd just tell her "Hi " and go on. and think nothing more about it. Before this incident, my daughter was crawling, and rolled over laid on her back, looked up at the ceiling, and said,"ahhhahaha" a baby laugh in baby language, as if telling or seeing someone & saying hello. Like they do whern you go "goo-goo-goo-goo" and they laugh. I was warned that if she ever saw things, to accept it, because it was normal in their family. That the spirits would not hurt us, but protect us. To never be frightened. So, here we are in this house. I am on the couch facing the t.v.. My daughter, is facing the door that leads up to the attic. I had accidently left it open, which I normally closed it. I just always felt more comfortable with it closed. My daughter is facing the door. She stops, waves hello,(goosebumps) and says, very plainly, (mind you she is just learning how to talk) very plainly, says " Hello, there." I'm frozen for one she spoke so plainly, 2 there is no one there.......I turned slowly to my daughter, and remembered what his family had told me. So out of respect, I turned to my daughter, and said, " Sweetie, are you saying hello to people, that mommy can't see?" (goosebumps just went up my legs. wow)And she turned slowly to me, with her eyes still fixed on them, and said," Yes, mommy. But it is okay, they will not hurt us, they are friendly." all I remember saying, is,"okay.?..?.. Nothing ever hurt us in that house. However, all I know is when I would go up stairs to the attic. I was a nervous wreck between the staircases. Once up in the attic, I was calm and peacefull. As well, as the staircase I was a nervous wreck between the staircase that lead to the basement. And in the basement, I was ordered yes, oredered to not step my foot off of the bottom step, no matter what. And I never did. Honestly. I felt strongly if I did I was to die. This was a very very strong intense feeling, I still feel this was the truth. Once when I was standing at the top of the attic stairs, I looked down the staircase. And with all of my being, I felt, how do I explain this feeling. hmm As if someone had stood behind me and I was pushed. I invisioned myself tumbling down the stairs, banging my head, and it killing me. But, when I came to in reality I was still standing at the top of the staircase looking down. It hit me. hooo goosebumps all over my body just now. I realized whom ever lived there once was very happy souls. And that they were murdered. One in the basement, and one in the staircase of the attic. This then explained my eaerrie feelings I felt in my heart and soul. I can't right now remember if I prayed for them or not. The reason we had to move, was not because of what happened. We later discovered our roommate that we shared rent with/ was gay, we grabbed a vcr tape of his by accident and it was a porn of 2 guys kissing, we had accidently grabbed the wrong tape he said we could borrow in his room. Or, that is what Scooter told me. I just remember being grossed out. we both 'bout threw up. He found out we knew and moved 1 week later. We could not afford/ I could not afford $500.00/mth rent. We ere evicted. (Remember Scooter wouldn't keep a job.) We later also found out there were 2 murders in the house, and that their spirit was still there. Oh yes, do you have goose bumps now?? And, yes, one in the basement, and he/she died on the basement floor, a grusome death is all we were told, nothing more. (that I can remember). And the other...yes, was pushed down the staircase, blow to the head, and dead at the bottom step. (that's all I know) (a hooker moved in right after we did.She was very rude to Scooter and I and her and her pimp mad eus move 1 day before we had to be out. the landlord was scared of them both, and help us move to our new apt., no joke.) I always wondered if they messed with them both for doing us wrong. Because, they (the spirits) never bothered, and after that day, my daughter spoke to them, their was always a sweet spirit there. I hated moving. But in the same sence kind of glad. because of the ereie feelings.
5) Ready for another? This is my last one, Hope I am not boring anyone, just speaking the truth. I had a friend, her name was Becky, and my best friend , sadly if I can find him again, is my witness. Becky and I went out as some gals do. Just as friends. She earlier took me to a authentic mexican restaurant. She had to do the speaking, as it was in spanish. We order Cow tongue, (it's not bad, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to eat it again.) (I keep picturing a cow chewing a cudd of grass) Anyway we left there, nd I wanted to go shoot some pool. She wanted to go to the mexican bar. I had "no!!" interest in meeting any mexicans, I just wanted to go shoot some pool. Well, She talked me into going to the bar first, then to the pool hall. Well, my plans got shot down. She hooked up with some mexican. I think someone spiked my drink with something. All I know is I was way drunk faster than I had ever been. I only remember drinking 1 soda. I don't remember what the next drink I even had was. I remember doing something that is totally not me, I was dancing with a mexican. I can't normally dance, and I sure couldn't do it drunk, but I did that night, I had never ever danced like that before especially in public. All I can remember was them chanting "Go Jeannie, Go Jeannie, Go Jeannie." When I came to, I thought to myself, Go who? Me? For goodness sake? I'm dancing? And no one is laughing? I'm dancing good? They are all drunk. Well, little did I know I was the one drunk. As well as most everyone else. I remember it being fun, it was then over, I went to the table. Sdaly still unsure , grace of God knowing I was done wrong, God drove me, I have no other explination. We got to her Apt. Lord only knows how I kept it in the road and straight. I have never thought about this, on how I got there, to her apt. God had the wheel is all I can say??? I have no explination, cause I drove, Oh Jesus, (thank you God, I didn't kill anyone, I'm so sorry everyone, I just now for the first time realizeed this. wow. ......... Anyway, I remember telling him, cause he was mexican, "We can do hugging, kissing, necking, and no more." He looked at me in a puzzled looik. So I explained again, cause I wanted to make sure he knew what I was saying. "I said , we can hug, kiss, me lay my head on your shoulder, and no more, no sex. Do you understand?" He was just trying to take advantage of me.I immediately stoof up. and I kept saying "no!" "No!" As plain in english as I could. I felt like a trapped rabbit in a cage. All I remember, was staring out the window, and the though came to me so, so strong, So strong it startled me, God, put these words very boldly in my mouth, "Get The Behind Me Satan, In The Name Of Jesus!!" The words were spoken before I had time to think. All of a sudden (ohh goosebumps) I am not lieing to you at all. This greenish type mass, ball, being, ??? about the size, diameter of 4 baseballs placed in a square, except this was a woobely type mass. It was about waist to shoulder heighth. It came around me on my left side. Between me and the wall a space of about 6 -10 inches from me, sucked out the window the window was not opened, so it sucked right through solid glass, we wer on the 2nd story, it was out the window and gone. that quick. I turned scared out of my mind, ran to the door, of the bedroom. Praise God my keys were in my pocket. Grace of God is all I know to say, The staircase was pitch black, you could not see your hand infront of your face. I put both hands on the wall, one hand on the left, and one hand on the right, my feet were moving faster than I could step, my feet were in perfect rythm down them stairs, and I did not fall. Honestly, It felt as if my feet did not even tuch the stair steps. I was out the front door and standing at my van door, before I even know where I was, it all happened that fast. I was shaking like a leaf in a tree. I had never been this scared in all my life. I jmped in my van, locked the doors, and speeded like a crazy woman. I was running every stop light I could get through. I decided if a cop was going to arrest me, he'd catch me at my apt. cause I wasn't stoppin' for nothing or nobody. I got to my apt. Petrafied, as could be, I went to my best fiend Sam's apt. He wouldn't answer. Scared as I was, I frantically thought, "Help, me Jesus, help me get Sam awake, Oh, God, please help me." I went to the apt. laundry room. I realized the wall was the same wall as in Sam's bedroom. So I started banging on the wall. "Sam, wake up!!! Sam, oh please wake up!!!" He sat straight up, (I know cause he told me), He sat straight up, and said,"God, is that you?" I grinned for a split second. And said,"No, Sam It's me, Jeannie, Please Sam, please do let me in, it's an emergency. Please Sam listen to me, Please let me in!!" He said, "Go to the front door." I peaked out first, ran to his door. He opened it at the same time. I ran in. And he said, "Good Lord, Jeannie, are you ok? You are as pale as a ghost! What's wrong hun? Are you hurt? Are you ok?" I said, "Lock the door they are after me!" He said, Who hun?Whose after you?" Isaid, "Becky and some mexicans she and I met at the bar." i said, "Sam, please don't let them in, don't let them get me. PLease don't make me go home. I am so scared." I was so scared all I could do was rock back and forth, and I kept saying, "Don't make me go home." He said,"you aren't going anywhere, you are going to sllep right here, on theis couch, you sleep and get as much rest as you need, you are safe her.I won't let them hurt you." Sure enough, they showed up, and knocked on my apt. door, and on Sam's, my heart was racing. He didn't open the door to the best of my memory.

Edited again Jeannie, please be careful how you decribe things on this family friendly website and forum.

Edited by: Ron Brind at:24th May 2009 09:49
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Jeannie Fetters
Jeannie Fetters
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quotePosted at 09:24 on 24th May 2009
Anyway this is my post up above as well. Ron, has/is/already has corrected what he felt needed changed. If you feel it needs it more go ahead Ron. I do apologize for being to graphic. Anyway, Becky and I never spoke ever again. Sam is a very good christian man. Last I heard he got married and lives in Ark. I hope to someday see him again. I'd love to see his kids if he has any. He hasn't seen my daughter since she was around 4. Wow it's been that long, goodness. Anyway, to end this story. sorry it took so long. I to this day am still scared of some men, It's hard in this world to really know absolutely for sure, whom your real friends are. However, there is a country song, out. That states, that if you had a flat ire, and you were stranded would you get up and help you friend, with expecting nothing in return. Or, only help them if their was a reward, and what could you get out of it. The true stories I have mentioned above, will be in my book, when it is published. As well, as many other scary moments in my life. That is why I am writing the book. So others out there, who are somewhat in the same shoes I have already been in, maybe somehow, someway, I can help them, before they are in the same problems, I have faced. If knowing I have helped 1 person, than that is what i am hoping to accomplish. To help any of those out there that I can. God bless, everyone in Poe. God's grace, his comfortness, helps me get through everyday. Later Gators.

Edited by: Jeannie Fetters at:24th May 2009 12:21
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