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Ever seen a Ghost ?

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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 20:53 on 12th October 2008

Yes Emma pip does sense things, like “walkies” and food time Laughing no, she does sometimes seem to stare at things that aren’t there and even growl and back away at times, animals are known to be really sensitive as are children. As you know I love Most Haunted, they really should beg for David Wells to return, though in the early days did we not have a thing for Carl beaty or is my memory playing up again. At times it does scare me, I have to watch it alone because no one else will watch it with me, they hate it. My Nana was a clairvoyant and my Dad is supposed to be psychic but personally I think the only sprits he comes close to are in a bottle.

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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 20:59 on 12th October 2008

yes carl beaty is niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I do remember you liking him hahaha, but then david wells was the focus of  all your attentionTongue out

Sorry Lyn, I know its not funny but the spirit thing did make me laugh, quite alot actually hahaha


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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 21:02 on 12th October 2008
Don't be sorry, laugh away, I do now Laughing
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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 21:03 on 12th October 2008
But Emma, go to the loo first a. Wink
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:03 on 12th October 2008
Ok aslong you give me permission... laughing is the best cure!!!!!!!!!! sometimes anyway
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:04 on 12th October 2008
On 12th October 2008 21:03, Lyn Brant wrote:
But Emma, go to the loo first a. Wink

Lyn B..........................IT IS FAR TO LATE, OPS
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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 21:07 on 12th October 2008
HAHAHA it wasn't that funny, just think yourself lucky you never had the pleasure of meeting my Dad or never will.
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 21:18 on 12th October 2008

will I not?

hmmm it was:)  ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm

so is no1 about tonight on the forums?


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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 21:23 on 12th October 2008

I doubt it I havn't seen him for 27 years!!!!

doesn't look like it, we could have a seance seen as we are alone on the ghost thread Yell

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 21:25 on 12th October 2008
Not alone, but being observed.
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