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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:31 on 17th February 2009
But I posted it on Monday, so it was my Monday brain. Tongue out
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 16:45 on 17th February 2009
I know it was Brian! He, he!!
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 16:57 on 17th February 2009
someone please explain.!!!Foot in mouth
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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 17:18 on 17th February 2009
Have a close look at the previous posts (and spelling) from Sue H, Rick,
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Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 17:20 on 17th February 2009
Ah,,,,,,now i am with it !
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Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 21:15 on 17th February 2009

I had two jobs one time, they are hard to do, but my regular job cut hours on me so I took an second one to fill those hours up to normal in an weekly pay check...had no other chioce, as it was I ended up leaving both of both companies have gone under also and are an restruant the other an large grocery chain store. You know what GMC (GeneralMotors) did with their bail-out money...they didn't create jobs for "Americans" they went to Brazil to see if they could invest the money down there and open up an auto plant..people are simply "fumming" here over it and now 22 states have filed for soverigny...I know I didn't spell that correctly...claiming our Federal Government has been bought out and they are going to pull out of it's jursitiction..that they are trying to force our country into an third world nation under the Globbailst elite and deny the citzens it's Constitution and Bill of Right's in wanting to get an North American Union in place here. Last night on an globalwide radio station it was said that "Fema" has "camps" ready to go to house people that they oust of their houses much like Nazi camps of the past...for when they declare Martial Law here from not following our prinicpals in our "American ideals" to its citizenry...and the people rebel.  People are still fummming underground that they passed an trillion dollar bail-out bill and would not let any of us see what the wordage in it said before our congressmen were told to "sign it"more or less. More then that they said that "bankers" are taking our money by our paid taxes to begin with, and are going to loan it back to us, with us having to pay interest on that the average consumer gets to pay twice for money that was his in the beginning. Anyway, the states are saying that the "Federal Government" is now holding the states in kind of an hostage situation of blackmail, you do what we ask of you or you don't get the money/help...the sates want to pull out of the "union" like they did at the beginning of the civil war era, and they sai dthat back thenAbe Lincoln was arresting people that didn't do as he thought they should and they know it could be coming here again...but they are claiming states rights and " treason" by our Federal authorities to the American people. It should be getting real interesting here soon if it keeps up. so far 22 states have done this with an 28 projected for this year. citing basic Consititutional right's have been denied the their citzens.  remember here an month or so ago, I went to an funeral for an local person I'd known for years a couple of weeks ago...well an so called "neo-nazi" gang of kids..went through the area last night and wrote graffi on the walls of the church, an Presbyterian church, then went over and did it to an near by Moremon church also, then hit and old time area cemetary and vandailzed it.,it was on the news most of last night. What's wrong with the kids of today that they would want to engage in such acts. The church said that it would take money and couple hundred dollars for paint mostly...but it is not an huge corporate church structure like some churches are these days...for the most part it's parking lot is not paved either as of yet...I was not happy hearing this news last night. As for the radio program, I'd been hearing much of what they were talking about underground through e-mails, but that got sent out globally last night as to how "bankers" make countries into third world status...and deny us our basic freedoms. One other thing causing an stir,was the taxing of toliets per flush in Austrialia I think it was they said..people think going to the bathroom is an basic "God-given"right that should not be "charged" for the doing.       

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Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:42 on 17th February 2009
On 17th February 2009 16:45, Ron Brind wrote:
I know it was Brian! He, he!!

Heaven's above Ron! I missed that totally  .
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:33 on 18th February 2009
Put it down to as senior moment fred, err, ummm Sue, it was fun while it lasted though eh? And those smiley's, they just keep on coming Sue, there brilliant!
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:08 on 18th February 2009

That would be they're brilliant wouldn't it Ron  .

I'm glad you like my smileys, I do too  .

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:30 on 18th February 2009
You are or (you're) right of course Sue, so my hands are up. I just knew I wouldn't get away with it for long!
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