Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Welsh Hills from West Kirby, Merseyside

West Kirby

in the county of Merseyside

Zennor Head in Cornwall


in the county of Cornwall

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay


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Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
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quotePosted at 19:44 on 9th December 2008
Do you belong to one or more forums?
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 19:48 on 9th December 2008
POE is the only forum I belong to.
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 19:51 on 9th December 2008
As I'm a bloke, I can't 'multi-task'. Also, when you're me, Denzil and Mrs. Tregallion it's hard to find time for any other forums, so in
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 19:52 on 9th December 2008
well siad Andy and all
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quotePosted at 19:52 on 9th December 2008
Two others but I've stayed away because I've found POE!!
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Mrs Tregallion
Mrs Tregallion
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quotePosted at 19:53 on 9th December 2008
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 19:54 on 9th December 2008

"ain't that the truth Krissy!!

Hiya Dezil !!!

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Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
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quotePosted at 20:12 on 9th December 2008
That's interesting
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Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
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quotePosted at 20:22 on 9th December 2008

Just a thought.

  I have recently started a New Forum.

Not in competition with POE by the way

No-one could do that.

 Just a lighthearted place to go


Edited by: Robert Mitchell at:9th December 2008 20:24
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Mary Jo March
Mary Jo March
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quotePosted at 02:37 on 31st December 2008

You asked if other members belonged to other forums.  I had quite an experience recently.  Although I am an American, and had tried to find a good English forum, I could not find one.  So I joined Skadi, which is a germanic forum, but people from all countries submit opinions.  They were all very intelligent, and some had a great sense of humor.  But, I soon saw what it was really about, the superiority of the German people, and the Vikings.  Many of their articles sounded like they were Nazis.  I was appalled.  One writer said we lost twice but perhaps the third time will charm.  Another said he always treated American soldiers who were stationed in Germany as badly as he could.  I had no idea that any of the modern day Germans felt this way.  I would think they would be ashamed of their past, and not be bragging about it.  The one who said, and maybe the third time will charm, had his count wrong, he forgot to include the Huns who ravaged Europe in their time.  I think a lot of those agressive genes still exist in some of them.  I am looking forward to this forum, with pleasant people.


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