Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Minehead quayside cottages.


a Seaside Town in the county of Somerset

View of the 'Royal Mile' that runs from Edinburgh Castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse.


in the county of Midlothian

A long winding road in Lower Heswall, the area has remained unchanged for around 100 years.


in the county of Merseyside

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay


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Kevin Tebbutt
Kevin Tebbutt
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quotePosted at 16:52 on 3rd September 2009
I regularly stare enviously into the Bakewell Pudding shop window when passing and imagine filling a shopping trolley with as mush as possible! Not really a huge fan of savoury dishes so much but I think all kinds of British puddings and cakes are fantastic. I like lots of cheeses too.
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 18:11 on 3rd September 2009
On 3rd September 2009 16:52, Ron Brind wrote:
No steak Rob?

I can go either way on the steak but the kidneys are a must, Ron! I once had a chicken and kidney pie up on the Isle of Skye--it wasn't half-bad (of course I was famished from a day of hiking, so its all relative!).
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:35 on 4th September 2009
I enjoy kidneys but you wouldn't get Anna to eat them. Simple therefore Rob........we don't eat kidneys!!!! LOL
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Vera Howarth
Vera Howarth
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quotePosted at 14:30 on 5th October 2009


I see this post has been going for some while but canIadd a few thIngsTraditional meals are= breakfast, dinner ,tea, supper.Lunch is not used much in this part of England.

Some local dishes-

Lancashire hotpot


potato pie

black puddings

mushy peas

pea soup

black pudding


eccles cakes

chorley cakes

scollops and bacon

liver and bacon



they are al delicious and well worth a try.

also not just locally game dishes are very tasty and have a wide variety.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:34 on 5th October 2009
On 4th September 2009 09:35, Ron Brind wrote:
I enjoy kidneys but you wouldn't get Anna to eat them. Simple therefore Rob........we don't eat kidneys!!!! LOL

Not even with fava beans and a fine chianti?

Edited by: Diana Sinclair at:5th October 2009 14:34
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 16:35 on 5th October 2009

What are lobbies Vera...Lobsters maybe?

And Diana, you wouldn't get Anna eating kidneys at any price!

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 16:41 on 5th October 2009

Am still trying to come up with a small list whilst having a cuppa PG Tips and munching a biscut from a tin of Family Circle,while deciding if Toad in the hole will work for dinner,or Yorkshire pudding,with a prawn cocktail on the side...decisions....decisions.....!

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quotePosted at 16:46 on 5th October 2009
I got a good recipie for Yorkshire pudding from a chef I found on Twitter! Right from North Yorkshire too!! Will give it a try, hopefully won't burn the house down. Got one for "hot pot" too?? Is that pot?
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 16:48 on 5th October 2009

Some one get the fire brigade and call the emergency services,,,,quick  !! Krissy's in the kitchen again,her last visit was in 2001 !!!!

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quotePosted at 16:50 on 5th October 2009
LMAO!!! hey!! I did bake bread last weekend!!! no one was injured either!
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