Pictures of England


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Darwen Tower, Lancashire

Darwen Tower, Lancashire

An observation tower circa 1897Standing at 86ft high, apparently you can sometimes see the Welsh Hills from it on a very clear.....

Information about Darwen Tower | Pictures (18) | Add to favourites

Chee Dale, Derbyshire

Chee Dale, Derbyshire

Chee Dale is an extremely picturesque winding gorge along the river Wye and is a popular spot in the Peak District amongst.....

Information about Chee Dale | Pictures (5) | Add to favourites

Chee Tor, Derbyshire

A picturesque spot containing the remains of a Romano-British village - a settlement of mostly native Britons influenced by Roman.....

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Bold Venture Park, Lancashire

Bold Venture Park, Lancashire

The name of this spacious green park situated at Darwen in Lancashire epitomises the endeavour of the local borough engineer who.....

Information about Bold Venture Park | Pictures (30) | Add to favourites

Delamere Forest Park, Cheshire

Delamere Forest Park, Cheshire

Green lungs do not come more beautiful than the densely tree populated Delamere Forest Park found in a haven of countryside, near.....

Information about Delamere Forest Park | Pictures (24) | Add to favourites