Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

St Ives Harbour

St Ives

a Seaside Town in the county of Cornwall

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Jeannie From Oklahoma

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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Posts: 39
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 15:21 on 19th December 2011

Hello, my name is Jeannie. I am 40 years old. I am from the United States, and I live in Oklahoma. I am a student at American InterContinental University. Known as AIU. I am taking online courses to earn my Bachelors in Business Administration with a Specialization in Entreprenuership. It will take me 4 1/2 years to graduate. I am not giving up, for I am a determined strong willed woman. There is another AIU University that is a scam, and the one I am attending is not the scam one. I have done my homework, they are accreditied. Everything continues to check out for the positive, so I treat it as such.  I am a previous member to POE. I have truely missed all of you guys. And Thanks be to Jesus, I'm back with all my dear friends I have missed.  I now have my own computer, and it is more upgraded (thank you Lord).

I enjoy God's beautiful scenery from all over the world. I am so grateful for this website, as I would never be able to afford to come to England. So I am extremely glad for everyone's pictures that are placed in here. Provided my business someday does take off. My first overseas trip will be to England, to see Ron Brind, his lovely wife, and family, and take my family proudly through the tour, I have dreamed about. I am not giving up on my dream.

I have 2 children Jerry & Zee, Jerry is 1turning 12 years old, on Jan. 24th. And Zee is 15. And turns 16 on Oct. 29th. She now lives with her dad, we have done this merely for her happiness, as she hates the school system where we live, & where my mom lives. If it keeps her in school, so be it. I miss her alot. But want her happy & safe. 

Thank you all for letting me come back to POE. I've missed everyone. God Bless.


Edited by: Jeannie Fetters at:5th January 2013 05:27
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:28 on 19th December 2011

Hi Jeannie. Nice to hear from you again, so welcome back to the very best website and forum on this earth bar none!

Glad to know you are working things out.


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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 15:36 on 19th December 2011
RON !!!!!!  Awesome to get to hear from you, again too. I have so missed everyone. Thanking Jesus for my computer right now. Hoping and praying you and your wife are doing ok.  Thank you for welcoming me back. God Bless.
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quotePosted at 16:11 on 19th December 2011
Hi Jeannie, it is so nice that you are returned to POE, and a very warm welcome back!
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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 17:06 on 19th December 2011
Thank you Cathy, sure have missed everyone. Great to be back home.  I feel at home here & I feel I can relax here. "Kind of like pull off your shoes, come warm up by the fireplace, here's a warm cup of hot chocolate, and warm bowl of soup or chili. Now tell me what's been going on with you."   That's how I feel when I come in here.   Every morning I used to come in here, and look at the beautiful scenery God has created and everyone has captured on film, and placed for the world to see, You guys always seem to relax me, with your photos, and I am grateful.
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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 02:55 on 26th December 2011
I had a nice time last night with my boyfriend's family. It was awesome seeing everyone so happy, and the christmas wrapping covered the entire 5 ft by 10 foot spot infront of us where we sat, most was from all the grandchildren unwrapping their gifts. I had never seen so much wrapping paper, that it covered the floor. There was so much happiness and love from my boyfriends family, and the gifts I received from everyone, I felt as though I was dreaming everything. Seeing the look on my sons face when he received his large toy gun, and the noise it made, was a proud momma moment. & Maybe I am the only one that understands, but that's okay. The only words I can think of to describe it, was magical. I shall never forget those moments. And the look on my sons face. I wished my daughter could've been there.  Wished I could've went and got her. All in all It was a magical Christmas for us all, and I am thankful to Jesus, for all of it. One of my dreams answered. To for the first time, see a magical Christmas. Where no one complained, and everyone was happy. I didn't think a such thing existed, and it truely does. Thank you Jesus, for a magical Christmas, I have only dreamed of since I was a little girl.

Edited by: Jeannie Milam-Fetters-Canada at:8th January 2012 10:16
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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 08:12 on 6th January 2012
Waiting and wondering what God's plan for your life is, is a very difficult thing to do. God Bless- Jeannie 

Edited by: Jeannie Fetters at:27th March 2012 22:36
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:17 on 6th January 2012
Hi Jeannie, hang on in there mate!
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Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Jeannie (milam) Fetters
Posts: 39
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 08:36 on 6th January 2012
Hello, Ron. So good to see you. I am hanging in there.   My son is 10 fixing to turn 11 he wants to know if he can have a profile with POE?  If he is not able to, I do understand, due to his age. I already told him it is nothing like facebook, he is to be respectful in here at all times. he has agreed. My son does not cuss, but uses slang words, I told him, I didn't think he was allowed to use them either, he has agreed, he would not. If he is allowed to join. I will try to read what he writes before he post. 
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Location: England
quotePosted at 14:25 on 6th January 2012

Hi Jeannie. From what you say, you are almost suggesting that POE is not the place for him. However, we do have young members and maybe you should give him a chance to prove that he can be respectful.

Having fun, discussing virtually any subject, using the site for homework projects, enquiring of others, and being a friend to others in times of need is what the POE forum is about. It will remain family friendly, or the offenders will quickly have their accounts closed.

POE terms and conditions will apply to him as they do any other member, and the moderators will view and treat his posts as they do all others, so it's up to him!

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