Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Harbour 2004

Lyme Regis

a Seaside Town in the county of Dorset

This picture was taken at Claythorpe Water Mill & Wildfowl Gardens in Lincolnshire


in the county of Lincolnshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 22:38 on 4th April 2011
Not possible to delete threads any longer Diana, sorry mate! lol
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 22:42 on 4th April 2011

In that case...James, you said cute, right? The wife is cute? ;-)

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 22:46 on 4th April 2011
sorry diana i dont follow what you mean.Smile
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 22:51 on 4th April 2011
You said you could shoot the wife. In order to deflect guilt of the crime away from myself, I have mistaken you to have said cute rather than shoot. ;-)
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 22:59 on 4th April 2011

C'mon wake up James! lol

Our Diana is far too clever for you pal...

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:23 on 4th April 2011 would probably get you further if you opened up some kind of cottage business...and deduct your house expenses. An nice bed and breakfast might work if you have an lovely . Ever thought of being an travel guide to places locally. Maybe teach herbal classes on the side. Just an idea. Things you could do and still perhaps work at another about  I thought about that one work your own pace...taking in jobs that other people need done on the computer. My daughter in-law got an grant to go back to school...when they cut her hours..she's trying to learn how to be an medical transcriber...but from what I hear it's in the future going to be an dead-end job perhaps. Just depends on who your able to link up with maybe. As for the husband...these guys now are looking for an gal that can support them, like the gals look for guys to support you end up helping yourself these days reguardless of sex often times. My widow friend got her an "house mate"... strings indeed they lived together in her house nicely "doing thier own thing" until she came home one day to find him sprawled out on the floor dead. She said to hassel..I called his sister up and she came got his body and no legal problems... as if I'd had married him. Went to his funeral and that was that...she then moved in with her grandson...they did buy an house together an little bigger then the two bedroom she had...her quaint retirement cottage. Sticking with Ron and James will only get  you into an old "story-teller".... at the local pub you know. Most likley "grouse" inspired also.

My hubby's neice...I had an dream one night that she went to Afganistan and into the mountains..we took small explosives and carved her house in the rocks...put in patio doors and an roof on was an gorgeous looking thing. She could walk out her front door facing south and see an new modern four lane highway way down below her house...but looking back you never even noticed her house in the rocks.  Everything in this house was cut slab rock with huge thick pillows on the slabs...or built-ins. Just as nice and as modern as any other expensve house...though it hardly cost her an dime in making it. Don't ask me why in afganistan though...I guess because you think of it being mountainous... or I had been watching the news earlier that evening maybe talking about it. I take it Johnny Deb is "out" is Charlie Sheen and his latest show also from reports made last night...they booed him and asked for thier money back.

I must go and get cornbread made...thinking it over I think hubby and my grandson have "Scouts" better go for now.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 02:06 on 5th April 2011

Shirley, thank you for the information. I'll be checking out that website! :-)

P.S. Johnny Depp is still very much in as far as I am concerned. ;-)

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Posted at 07:02 on 5th April 2011

Hi everyone!  Wishing you all a wonderful day.Smile

Diana, have you seen the movie Grumpy Old Men?  Mmmmmmm that should warn you, LOL.  There are a right pair of candidates duelling each other on this site.  ROTFLMAO


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:25 on 5th April 2011

Wonder who they could be? LOL

Morning/afternoon all...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:38 on 5th April 2011

good morning all its raining again up here.

now i get you ron hmm must be on my guard later.Wink

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