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A Great Story with a Happy Ending!

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:53 on 28th August 2008
I have to share this story with my animal loving friends on POE.

I was awakened at midnight last night by a phone call from a friend who was on the road traveling (phone calls in the middle of the night scare me to death). He has two dogs that go with him everywhere, and when he had stopped for dinner he had taken the dogs out and tethered them to his truck so that they could eat and stretch their legs a bit while he was inside having his own supper. 

He said he had no sooner got seated in the restaurant then someone ran in and said that there were two dogs running loose and one of them ran into the road getting hit by a van. The dog went completely under the wheels he said and then the van hit the second dog as well. The van screeched to a halt and then stepped on the gas not even stopping long enough to see if the dogs were alright.

By this time it was dark and raining so hard that the guy couldn’t see much except that both dogs ran off into the woods.  Fortunately, some good Samaritans who overheard what had happened all grabbed flash-lights out of their vehicles and went with my friend to help search for the wounded pups.

Apparently they combed the woods and the surrounding terrain for over an hour in torrential rains but to no avail, the dogs could not be found. Finally they called it a night and my friend, who was devastated, walked across the highway to rent a room at the local hotel. When he called me he was soaked, tired, and heartbroken; as you can imagine his imagination was running wild and he supposed that one if not both was probably lying somewhere mortally wounded. Needless to say, it was a rough night for him.

He called me again about one hour ago to say that he was awakened by hotel staff saying that two dogs were running around loose in the hotel parking lot.  He ran down stairs and there in the parking lot were his two pups playing and romping. He said he looked them over with a fine tooth comb and could not detect any injuries at all.  There is a Veterinarian’s office right next to the hotel and when they open this morning he will take the pups in and have them checked for internal injuries. But so far as he can tell they seem perfectly fine!

Is that a miracle story or what?  I love endings like that! Smile


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quotePosted at 13:57 on 28th August 2008

So lucky Di, I would have been out of my mind .

 Hope the dogs are ok.Surprised

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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 14:10 on 28th August 2008

That's an nice story, Diana.

Like Wolf, I hope the dogs are OK.

We have a family of four foxes living near our house. We feed them and they turn up every night at about 10pm so we've become very fond of them. A few days ago I was walking my dog and we found a dead fox by the side of the road. This was about a mile away from home, so there was a good chance it was one of our foxes.

Last night, however, all four of 'our' foxes turned up - so the poor dead fox was a stranger.

Still sad to see, though.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:11 on 28th August 2008

He was Wolf, and so was I; I kept having these awful dreams where the pups where hiding somewhere wounded and in need of help!

I'll keep everyone posted once the vet has had a look at them.Smile

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quotePosted at 14:15 on 28th August 2008
Wow!! What a story!!!  I would have been freakin' out!!!  Thank goodness everything turned out good!!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:20 on 28th August 2008

Wow, that's a great avatar John! I'll bet you broke a few hearts!Wink  It is amazing how attached we become to the animals in our lives, even the ones that aren't really ours, like your foxes John.Smile

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Paul HiltonPremier Member - Click for more info
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 14:32 on 28th August 2008
Glad to hear it's going to have a happy ending.Look forwards to letting us know how it all turns out after the vet's check up. Thanks for telling us about it Diana.
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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 15:07 on 28th August 2008
On 28th August 2008 14:20, Diana Sinclair wrote:

Wow, that's a great avatar John! I'll bet you broke a few hearts!Wink  It is amazing how attached we become to the animals in our lives, even the ones that aren't really ours, like your foxes John.Smile


That was me in my student days, Diana. About 1974, I think.

Hairy, wasn't I?

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 16:10 on 28th August 2008

What  a heart wrenching story Diana. I fell like my heart just stopped. Those poor dogs...that poor man. I would be sick with grief. Four of my cats are all from the same litter. I brought them in after a neighbor called me about them. Once I saw them I fell in love. I could not bear to give them another home. I am so glad I kep them. I have three of the four left as one died from cancer. They are like my children. They are so full of love and feeling. Rascal gets sad when I leave home. Katie comes running when she hears my voice. And Cuddles likes to play football. I could never imagine living without them.

I hope the report from the vet is positive. 

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:13 on 28th August 2008
Cathy, I know what you mean about your animals. They really do become such a part of the family.  I think I cried more when I had to put my cat, Merlin, to sleep than I did when my mother died!
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