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Doctor stop's BBQ!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:49 on 27th April 2008

I was proud and excited to attend possibly one of the best BBQ's ever on Saturday. The sun was shining, the drinks were flowing, the kids were happily playing safely in and around the garden. I even had time to take in the wonderful scent from the selection of flowers and shrubs that are beginning to look absolutely beautiful in our wonderful England. The birds were singing, aircraft were high in the sky and the conversation was sensible and interesting despite the liquid refreshment! The smell from the BBQ was intoxicating and the afternoon just seemed to slip by without us really having any consideration or idea of time. Then somebody said it's 6:15pm and whoosh they had all disappeared! But where did they go, where on earth could they have gone that was more important than enjoying what was being prepared for them? Well, I can tell you......the sad gits all rushed in to watch b....y Doctor Who on the television!

So my question to fellow forum members is why would you want to do that, is it really that good? I reckon sad, sad, sad, sad but then I don't watch television anyway, so I might just be the party pooper! Thinks....handing it to that Peter on a plate here!! 

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:57 on 27th April 2008

I'm with you here Ron, the television rules the world. I told my future husband that when we got married I didn't want a television and he was fine with that, so for the first ten years of our marriage we didn't have one. We have since bought one (to watch Lord of the Rings), though I still (to quote a line from Pride and Prejudice) 'should infinitely prefer a book', and spend most of my evenings reading.

But look on the bright side Ron, all that food and no one out there to eat it but you. Now I would have enjoyed that for sure.

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quotePosted at 20:59 on 27th April 2008
I dont watch much tv, there's not a lot on, and anyhow, if you do miss something its always repeated a million times lol
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 20:24 on 30th April 2008

I've never watched the program you are talking about Ron (although it does play here on BBC America), but I do agree with the sentiment.  I'd much prefer talking with friends to watching TV.

Although, a few years back a friend of mine avoided that problem by hosting "Highlander" night every week when the new episode of "Highlander" aired.  Everyone would bring a dish and we'd plunk ourselves down in front of the TV and stuff our faces while we watched Duncan McLeod do his thing (I never got into him but Methos was another story!). LOL!

 I also agree with Sue, nothing compares to a good book.Smile

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:50 on 1st May 2008
Great new pic Lyn, but does this mean there is a little bit of 'extra' competition between you ladies now? You know........Well Sue put one up that looks younger, so I'll do the same! Only joking again ladies, they are great pics, much nicer and much more phoarrrh! I think that Diana started it by putting up a pic that was taken at school!!
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quotePosted at 07:53 on 1st May 2008
I tried putting up a new pic but all I can see here is my old one! Undecided
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:16 on 1st May 2008
On 1st May 2008 07:50, Ron Brind wrote:
Great new pic Lyn, but does this mean there is a little bit of 'extra' competition between you ladies now?

Weird...Ron saw your new pic Lyn but to me it looks like the same one. Am I missing something?Undecided LOL!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:25 on 1st May 2008
On 1st May 2008 07:50, Ron Brind wrote:
I think that Diana started it by putting up a pic that was taken at school!!

Ron, are you accusing me of vanity?  I'll have you know that picture was taken this past October...I figure people might as well know what they're getting with me! LOL! 

Hmmm, but you have given me a thought. Wouldn't it be interesting if everybody posted a picture of themselves when they were a child? On second thought that was so long ago I wouldn't want to embarrass you Ron by making you carve a slab out of that cave wall where your baby pics were etched some years B.C. ago! LOL!Tongue out

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:15 on 1st May 2008

It's only my date of birth that says I'm old. Just take a closer look at that face in the avatar and on a 63 year old eh? Phoarrh, I love me! And if we were to publish 'baby pics' ....can you imagine what that Peter would look like? He was so ugly as a child that they had a blind installed across the front of the pram! Ha, ha, he'll never get to know what I wrote here will he, because he is just too lazy to go back over the past weeks threads/posts. Hope he gets sunburnt and the chemist runs out of soother!!

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:25 on 1st May 2008

I see Lyn's picture just fine.

And there were no camera's when I was a baby, they hadn't been invented yet. Actually I have no baby pictures as I live my first two years in a children's home, and taking pictures just didn't seem a priority.

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