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Meditation and Relaxation

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 21:14 on 16th March 2014

Hi Forum Members small item to meditate to whilst you gaze at this beautiful photograph by John Godley

Misty morning in Abraham's valley, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire
Picture by John Godley

Misty Morning Walk

I walk down the track that meanders through the wooded glade,

The mist lingers in the air and joins the autumn leaves in shade,

The once green bracken now turned brown,

Has given its splendour to the new picture in town.

Misty rays sparkle through the tree leaves so bright

Only to fade towards the falling of night.

Nature is preparing itself for winters rest,

There is only one man who knows what is best.    

The sun's early morning rays warm the  tree bark,

Away in the distance is the sound of a Lark.

The trees cast their shadows across the pebbled track,

Oh to be here, when Spring comes back.

© neil rodgers


Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:17th March 2014 15:08
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quotePosted at 15:19 on 17th March 2014
Lovely photo and a lovely poem Neil, thank you Smile
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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 06:49 on 19th March 2014

The Healing Circle held the 52nd meeting last night after an open discussion the members joined in a group meditation then afterward exchanged viewpoints on various aspects of healing.

As usual the meeting ended with the Circle Prayers for the less fortunate in society and especially the passengers on the missing aircraft.

neil rodgers    

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 22:02 on 25th March 2014

May all the passengers on the fated flight MH370 be united with their guardian angels to continue their journey in that world beyond, and for the grieving relatives left behind enable them to seek solace in the remembrance of their loved ones. 


Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:25th March 2014 22:04
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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 23:49 on 28th March 2014

Midnight Meditation

The minute hand approaches slowly to twelve,                                         think of the new day that is about to begin,                                    breathe thrice deeply to charge you within,                                            as sleep calls softly at the back of your mind,                                          try not to resist natures request.

Tomorrow will come whaterver you do,                                                  so sleep tight my angel and drift the night through,                                 as the new day dawns twill provide your next quest,                           sure as the night will come and provide you with rest.                            

Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:28th March 2014 23:51
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 21:54 on 1st April 2014

Over 27,000 views Neil...that's fantastic!

Well done POE and

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 23:56 on 1st April 2014

Many thanks Ron

There seems to be no stopping this thread there are lot of people out there viewing in ever increasing numbers

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 00:05 on 2nd April 2014


Poetry and meditation go hand in glove so after reading Midnight Meditation this is just one for the Ladies to wake up to in the morning 

As thou wake my Love 

As thou wake my love to the morning light
Let eternal faith be with you evermore,
Keep in your heart this thought so bright
Always to be with you could never be a lore.

Our life has passed with thoughts untold,
You are my one and only Angelic dream,
Twill always be beside you, with love that's true and bold
To flow and flow forever just as a mountain stream.

Our onward journey through wood and vale
We are in unison however it may frost
They who try to part us will always truly fail,
To keep our friends forever that never shall be lost,
So rise this morn my darling with a heart that's never frail
For I will love you pure forever along this mystic trail.

 © Neil Leslie Rodgers, All rights reserved

Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:2nd April 2014 00:07
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Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 22:51 on 2nd April 2014

Just to inform everone

Facilities are now available to leave comments on the web page at

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 Would appreciate any comments.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:37 on 3rd April 2014
I have added a comment Neil...good luck!
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