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While Sarkozy attempts ( the flat pat stuff found in fields) another Soldier dies in Iraq!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 16:44 on 26th March 2008
It's 'merely' a 'Breaking News' feature on Sky News whilst Sarkozy 'addresses' Parliament! Another British Soldier has lost his life in a War that we should NOT be involved in....GET OUT OF IRAQ NOW! Shame on the Labour Government, Tony Blair in fact for getting us into a war that we CANNOT win! Again I await the flak, but I am prepared to put my head above the parapets! Would you want your son or daughter fighting in Iraq?  
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 17:25 on 26th March 2008
We have now lost 4,000 American soldiers. Almost the population of the small town I live in.
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quotePosted at 20:04 on 26th March 2008
I work on an RAF camp, so I see the men/women leaving and returning from there, and Afghanistan. They leave behind their families, some of the children just babies, all I can say to them when they say 'Bye' to me is.....'Take journey back home!'  Its great to see them back safe and sound months later! They go because its what they are trained to do, just a pity they are fighting in a war that really does't have much to do with us. God Bless 'Em All. In answer to your question I wouldn' want my 2 lads to go there, if it was a war fighting for Great Britian then thats a different matter.
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quote | editPosted at 23:13 on 26th March 2008

The whole situation is a mess, thousands of soldiers killed, to say nothing of the Iraqi civilians that have died since they were 'liberated'. The policy should have been kept that was standard up until at most three hundred years ago....the country's leader led his men into battle. I can't see Bush and Blair leading from the front. Bush even dodged the Vietnam war, and Blair is an empty grinning clown who was known as Matilda to his pals at University. I don't know how they sleep at night.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:23 on 26th March 2008
With Blair gone and Bush on the way out, maybe, just maybe there may be some changes.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:41 on 27th March 2008

Lyn.....As parents we understand entirely. Yes its what they are trained to do but we shouldn't be there as you say, but if it was for Britain we would all be there! I say pull the troops out.

Sue G......I just love your description of Blair....'a grinning clown', just wish it wasn't so funny because it will get us talking about him again and we don't want that do we? And Matilda at University? My understanding is he attended St Johns College - Oxford, two or three miles from where I live, but I have never heard any reference to 'Matilda' before, so where did that come from? As for the rest of the post, I absolutely agree with what you say.

Sue H

We have another 'B' to get rid of first!!!


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quote | editPosted at 14:55 on 27th March 2008

Ron....I had already read it in some article a few years ago....but I have Clarissa Dickson Wrights biography (she is one of the Fat Ladies) that came out last year. You are probably right about the college....I just said University to sort of cover a place of learning. She was there at the same time as Blair and his nickname was definitely Matilda....because he was rather theatrical.....and a bit feminine....SurprisedSurprised..!!

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quote | editPosted at 14:58 on 27th March 2008
Forgot to say....there is no way I would want my own son fighting this illlegal war.   If it was to protect Britain from attack then we would as you say, all be son included.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:43 on 27th March 2008
Well, well, Matilda Blair! Theatrical, feminine, seems things never change! Thanks for that Sue, amazing what you can learn on POE, eh?
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quote | editPosted at 13:08 on 28th March 2008
Have got to set this straight!! I have just hunted out the book....Dickson Wright knew him when they were both training to be barristers....and he was called Miranda....well, I got the first and last letters right..!
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