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Always get a second,or even third opinion from doctors!!!!

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 06:29 on 6th December 2009

It is lucky you are assertive Ruth - this is the problem though, how many people wouldn't have been assertive and would have been fobbed off.

I have a catalogue of horror stories about GPs here in Britain (knew you would all like the brandy one! They did remove that GP from practice as he had gone a bit mad - saw him tracing pictures of burgers in McDonalds after I had left his medical practice!!!).

But seriously, Rick's thread has a very important message attached to it so hopefully it will save someone's life. Get a 2nd opinion. In this country the GP's are often reluctant to refer patients because of costs. A friend of mine went back to my former doctor (not the one mentioned - another incompetent one) for 2 years and he was treating her for migraines. Luckily she visited the optician who advised her to go immediately to a specialist. She had a cancerous brain tumour the size of a small orange! She survived thanks to the optician but no thanks to the GP. She has 2 children - they were 6 and 3 at that time.

Another GP misdiagnosed my father for 5 years - he kept telling him he was suffering with nerves - he had got MS.

We go to a really good medical practice now thank goodness!


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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 02:39 on 7th December 2009

Very good advice for everybody, Stephanie.


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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 16:53 on 7th December 2009
On 6th December 2009 03:15, Ruth Gregory wrote:

I like your Dr's advice, Stephanie, but not if I'm sick or injured.  lol

I'm glad you got the correct diagnosis, Rick.  It's good that you went with your instinct about getting the wrong opinion from the first doctor.  Nobody knows you body better than you.

I remember once when I was 20 years old, I found a lump in my breast and I went to see a Dr. who was very patronizing, and gave me the "you don't need to know, just trust me, I'm the Dr." attitude.  He didn't think I should be worried about breast cancer because of my age at the time.  My mother died from breast cancer at age 42, so I was a little bit freaked out.  When I asked this Dr a question and he just patted my hand and said "don't worry," I reminded him that I was paying him, which meant he was working for me, and that I expected an answer.  He was a bit shocked that I was so assertive, but from then on, he answered my questions.


How true all that is Ruth,Am Glad you did the same,The doctor in question is my own age,yet,he did a great job at making me feel that i was just taking up his time as well and that i couldn't possibly know my own body.....
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