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The news this morning....

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
Posts: 2310
Joined: 17th Jul 2008
Location: USA
quotePosted at 22:53 on 2nd April 2009

Well, I figured they'd have something to say about the G20 summit over there by "protestors", but I picked up the paper to read that on Obama leaving they gave him an "kindergarden style" approach to England, in comparing it to the land size of Oregon and it has upset the British I guess. Have you heard about this? They apparently don't want other countries sized in comparison to states here apparently. They find the idea rude and unmannerly. This surpised me, though I suppose not improbable, you people do know that just until an couple of years ago the entire area of the coastal mountains here in Oregon was owned for years on end by an man from England? Did you know that when the Bristsh held claim to the Northwest territory that they hired Dr. John McGloughlin to be their "agent" at Fort Vancouver. They ousted him years later because the pioneers he would help, and they felt this was an traitor to them, he moved away to Oregon city..siting that in frontier regions "humanity" comes before nationality in so many words. My 1847 grandfather's legacy went down in his papers saying he owed McGloughlin $40...but they are you know direct relatives to us now also. I have as many Loyalist's names in the family lines during the RevolutionaryWar as I do new "American" names. Both sidespaid an heavy price back then,. I think if you will check it out the Rev. was REALLY started by one John New England, whom I think was fundlng tax reveunes to an Land Company in remote Virginia and not paying England, whom retaliated by raising tariffs, and from there on.... the rest is history.  Perhaps it was the "bankers" back then also? Well, I'm sorry your all offened. I would not be offended if indeed Oregon is as was said about England, and entire country of groomed and manicured gardens. You all do know that Obama's brother is an college sports coach here In Oregon. but we have been fighting an kind of  downturn express of public relationships before George W. B. came  to town and many of us did not back him ..he gave the area an nice strong electro-agnectic pulsing the day of his second election to keep us healthwise "sick" and at home so we couldn't vote..I showed it to the people at the courthouse when I was on an grand jury trial there some years back. It was "caught" by an fella who is now dead and can do no more "reporting" So as you can see we have our problems here.Shall we see what decent things can come out of the summit talks if any? It bothers us greatly over here that the world constantly expects us to bail them out, and its impossible for us to bail ourselves out here as of late..this is an money thing between the haves and the have-nots rigtht now. With the have-nots for the most ignored in ways. We  get tossed $300 bucks an year so the haves can receive   trillions. It not easy to live here, and many outside of here could care less some days. So let's hope this summit does something good for everyone.....


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