Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

The River Bure at Coltishall, the current head of navigation. In the background the Rising Sun Pub.


in the county of Norfolk

Blyth Harbour


in the county of Northumberland

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

I predict.....

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Roy Jackson
Roy Jackson
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quotePosted at 01:20 on 27th May 2008


I will have to be more careful using local expressions. It would appear that certain phrases do not carry well over the internet. In this area, to 'loose ones marbles', is to be mentally disorientated.

I had better not use other expressions such as, 'Going for my bait'. You might think it has something to do with fishing. Instead of which it means that I am 'going out for a spot of lunch'

I got caught out a few years ago, on an occasion when I had to give evidence at Newcastle Crown Court. In my evidence I had to use the phrase, 'Why aye man'. The twelve members of the jury, geordies all, knew exactly what I meant, but 'Hiz Honor' the judge, stopped the trial until it was explained to him exactly meaning of those words. I still don't know if he was having a joke at my expense.

I will try and be more careful in future.

Regards Roy J.

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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 12:46 on 27th May 2008
I heard the cuckoo just this last weekend
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 12:49 on 27th May 2008
Hey, great avatar Denzil. I like it.
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 13:15 on 27th May 2008
Thanks Peter I had it taken in Truro last year
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 15:13 on 27th May 2008
Denzil, what part of the Ozarks are you from...I can't see your spit can. Does it say "Chewun Tobacca" or "Hog Slop?". LOL!Laughing
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 18:27 on 27th May 2008
Thanks Diana we dont chew bacca in Redruth where are the ozarks
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:28 on 27th May 2008
I think er be sugeston you be froorm the moutuns Jethro, urr Denzil!
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 19:32 on 27th May 2008
Ill lend you my beard Ron if you like your head looks a bit cold
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 19:37 on 27th May 2008
Nice one Denzil.....after you Ron lol!!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 19:45 on 27th May 2008
Two points for Denzil...your turn to serve Ron! LOLLaughing
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