Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Priory Church from Memorial Avenue Gardens in front of the library, Worksop, Nottinghamshire.


in the county of Nottinghamshire

Rock from Padstow Harbour, Cornwall


in the county of Cornwall

Laxey Station, Isle of Wight


in the county of Isle of Man

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Recommend a good Chinese Restaurant in Oxford?

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 16:02 on 20th February 2008

Where? 'The Ridings' for example or Major Millers house (Home Farm - you mention above?), Old Road, Wheatley. Know it well. Risinghurst for me, opposite the former home of C S Lewis. Are your friends poe members?

Remember when the jet crashed up 'Shotover'. How long ago was that?

So come on then poe members, how many of you are in the Oxford area. I await the stampede with interest!

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 18:25 on 20th February 2008

You know where the Footballer (Keown) built his house up top of Old Road? Well that's where I grew up.  I use to work on Risinghurst, that little row of shops on the roundabout. My parents were quaryites, or tidupites as they liked to call themselves, mum & dad married in Quary church where C.S. Lewis is buried.

I have told all my friends about POE, and I post daily on a LOTR board and have several people tell me they have visited this site (I have a thread dedicated to POE, and it's also part of my signature).

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:28 on 20th February 2008

Yes, I do know where he lived...very nice property! The shops on the roundabout were known as the Roundway. Do you remember Tinnings the paper shop for example, Charletts across the other side of the roundabout, the pit?

Quarryites? What is your maiden name? You must know Bobby Baker for example, the Coppocks and the Gurl family? Quarry Church is part of the C S Lewis Tour that I offer! Whats a LOTR board, and a thread dedicated to POE....and part of your signature, how do you achieve that?

Hey, and all this started because of the Peninsula Restaurant in Oxford....mind you it was fabulous, as is this site! Thanks for your continued support and I will look after Oxford until you can get back home. 

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 21:02 on 20th February 2008

I worked in the hairdressers next to Tinnings back in the 70's.

Quarry (sorry misspelled last time) or Titup (Tidup) was where they all grew up at the turn of the last century. I grew up over the hill on the Wheatley side so wasn't too familiar with the families on the other side. My aunt Kath was a Coppock from Quarry though. My mothers maiden name was Barrett, she married into the Hattons of Windmill Road.

LOTR = Lord of the Rings, I am a great Tolkien fan. Here is a link to the POE thread I started, you will see at the bottom of my post (Strange Elf) that I have the POE link in what we call our signature.  

I posted some pictures to wet their appetites and as you see a couple of folks have really been interested.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 18:38 on 21st February 2008

Anna's Gran's name was Barrett...where is this taking us Sue? LOTR? I should have known seeing as though I operate the C S Lewis Tour in Oxford! I simply didn't connect it. Now if you really want something to tell your fellow LOTR friends about, get them to look at the following link: Yes, I really do own it and it's currently offered for sale at along with other memorabilia, see which lists other items of interest.

Love the way you support poe.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 21:43 on 21st February 2008

Wow, a hot item I would say  .

So was Anna's Gran a quarryite? I don't give out my email address online, but I really would be interested to find out if there is some connection. I'm guessing there isn't a personal message feature on this board. Maybe we can see if POE can help us get in contact. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 12:19 on 22nd February 2008

Apparently it was Anna's Great Gran, and she was born in Wightam, Nr Boars Hill (don't think thats the correct spelling, but brain out of gear right now). She married a Woods. She was not a 'quarryite' but her fathers side was.

As for the email and personal feature suggestion, I think I have read somewhere on site that poe intend to do exactly that.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:06 on 22nd February 2008

The woods that sold the land for Wood Farm? You don't need to answer that Smile.

Well I must say, it has been a pleasure getting to know you and Anna  .

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:44 on 22nd February 2008

Haven't heard that before Sue, and therefore probably not, or nothing to do with our family!

Likewise it's been nice talking with you, who knows we will probably make contact again via poe - for whatever reason!!

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poePremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 23:08 on 22nd February 2008
On 21st February 2008 21:43, Sue Herrera wrote:

Wow, a hot item I would say  .

So was Anna's Gran a quarryite? I don't give out my email address online, but I really would be interested to find out if there is some connection. I'm guessing there isn't a personal message feature on this board. Maybe we can see if POE can help us get in contact. 

If you click on a users name in the forum (above the avatar), or simply go to their pictures or profile page, you'll see a link 'Contact this member'

Click it and you'll go to a form that sends the member a message (via email). It's the only system we have right now for contacting other members.

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