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a Seaside Town in the county of Suffolk

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Bowes Museum, County Durham

Bowes Museum, County Durham

Josephine Bowes, wife of John Bowes was a Parisian actress, and perhaps this shows in the choice of building they chose as a.....

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Binchester Roman Fort, County Durham

Binchester Roman Fort, County Durham

For over 300 years, Binchester Roman Fort was occupied for. To begin with, soldiers in this fort did not come from this area;.....

Information about Binchester Roman Fort | Pictures (4) | Add to favourites

Hadrian's Wall & Housesteads Fort, Northumberland

Hadrian's Wall & Housesteads Fort, Northumberland

Wild and evocative remains of the Roman Empire's most northerly defences, with panoramic views. Roman barracks and some of the.....

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Auckland Castle, County Durham

Auckland Castle, County Durham

With its grand arch, Auckland Castle, also known as Auckland Palace or the Bishop's Castle, is the official residence of the.....

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Beamish Open Air Museum, County Durham

Beamish Open Air Museum, County Durham

Beamish Museum lies in a basin of stunning countryside covering over three hundred acres. This is no ordinary museum, but an.....

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Durham Castle, County Durham

Durham Castle, County Durham

Durham Castle is another one of Durham's magnificent buildings. It was founded in 1072 and such was the impregnability of the.....

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Durham Cathedral, County Durham

Durham Cathedral, County Durham

One of the finest buildings in the world. This huge cathedral which is third only to Canterbury and York in ecclesiastical.....

Information about Durham Cathedral | Pictures (154) | Add to favourites