Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Hi I'm Barbara Whiteman

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Barbara Whiteman
Barbara Whiteman
Posts: 20
Joined: 3rd Dec 2006
Location: UK
quotePosted at 21:56 on 1st January 2008

                                                Hello Everyone,Smile

I love this site and it is now my hobby to go out and visit places small and large to add to the site.

I am of the older variety, not yet retired but young at heart.

It as given me a new lease of life and gets me out and about with a camera in my bag, just in case.

You never know when that interesting place/person/building etc will be in camera shot.

I do hope you all enjoy my very large selection, it as amazed me how many there is.

I love looking at other peoples work.

Love to hear from anyone about anything

                                                      All the Best BarbaraCool

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Mary Quintois
Mary Quintois
Posts: 17
Joined: 1st Jan 2008
Location: USA
quotePosted at 22:59 on 1st January 2008
I love this website too!  Britain is still (in some the Moors) as ancient, wild, and picturesque as it has always been! MarySmile
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Judy Carol
Judy Carol
Posts: 21
Joined: 13th Nov 2007
Location: USA
quotePosted at 02:11 on 2nd January 2008

Hi Barbara, How do I view your pictures? I too am enjoying this site. I am in the USA but wish I were in the UK.  I have visited there several times and fell in love with your beautiful country and long to return soon.


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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
Posts: 217
Joined: 28th Jun 2006
Location: UK
quotePosted at 16:32 on 5th January 2008
Hi Barbara, it is nice to know where you live at last, you have really intriqued me because you upload photo's from so many different counties, some on the same day with the places being so far apart I thought you must have a helicopter
You have really scanned this area , the coast on the Norfolk and Suffolk Borders and although I live here you have seen things which I had never noticed, which makes me wonder have you had a holiday in the  Yarmouth/Lowestoft area if so I hope you enjoyed it.If you are nearing retiring age, you are still a chicken!!
Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Location: England
quotePosted at 19:19 on 10th March 2008

Hi Barbara

Shouldn't it be 'Babs' for those of us that know you? If not 'Welcome' to a great website Barbara and thanks for your wealth of pics!

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