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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 21:49 on 17th January 2012

 A Very Philosophical statement Karen , but I am afraid you speak a lot of truth there.

        In the words of Private Frasier-- " Were Doomed, Doomed I say"

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 22:13 on 17th January 2012

Absolutely spot on Karen. Just what I've been saying for a long while. The  Governments of the world can have as many G4's or summits whatever crap they wnat to call them but whatever they agree is as you say far too late. The planet changes regulary albeit thousands of years apart but it changes and we have no control whatsoever over it.

Let me put another question.......Why is that mere plebs like you and me can understand that yet the top brains and governments ( can those 2 words go hand in hand???) can't see it. More likely they can see it and know it is true but daren't say it out loud. I do of course use the word plebs in the3 nicest possible way but I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm very much with Vince here 'We're doomed, all doomed!!!'

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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 19:25 on 18th January 2012
Since this thread has extended to wind turbines, my own view is that they are probably of some value in constantly windy areas, and where there is a very low density of population, but are out of place in built-up areas where they are intrusive. I can think of an example of a solitary wind turbine in Reading near 'Green Park' . It looks hideously out-of-place in the jumbled semi-industrial landscape, and may distract drivers on the nearby A33 relief road.  I suspect it was built as a gimmick for the nearby business park. Sometimes I am amazed to see it turning on a dead calm day. Cynics like myself think it is powered by a motor and generates no electricity at all.
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