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Mass Swine Flu Vaccination starts today in UK!

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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 10:45 on 23rd October 2009
Well ...yeah obviously, but thats my opinion, and i am a health care professional working within the health profession and can only speak for myself ....BUT!! MANY of my collegues think the same, as do MANY of the doctors/consultants i know in the A&E depts!   Its good enough for me!! and I certainly have more faith in them than the TV/ radio reports. But like you say, it really doesn't matter, its your choice to have it, we make our decisions on what we feel.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:59 on 23rd October 2009

If there is as much concern from within the health profession as you suggest Jason, why aren't we/you kicking up a huge fuss about it?

Is there any danger that it could be another MMR shall we or shan't we situation which ultimately was proved to be duff information from a supposed 'professional' in the health service?

And I wonder how many people will read this thread and not have the flu jab as a result, only to suffer later? I think it's a tough one this Jason.

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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 11:43 on 23rd October 2009

Well like you say, its up to the individual, i'm giving my opinion, and the opinion of friends, and we just happen to be health care professionals, and at the end of the day, quite a few will die as a result of the flu, but hey, thats what the flu does! maybe the vaccine works, maybe it doesn't, i just know I won't be having it from the info i've heard, I certainly have no will to start a fight, by kicking up a huge fuss, i have other things to think about, which to me and my work are just as important, i'll leave that job to someone who likes a fight, and also has all the research in front of them.

The thing about health care is, its not usually an exact science, everybody reacts differently to things, its difficult to be 100% (if not impossible) sure that what your doing is going to work! people not in health care don't understand this, and think everything is perfect, well its not .... and the same goes for the flu jab!  its always a risk, we just have to try to make it an informed risk ,but at the end of the day, you make your choice on your own instinct! the flu won't kill everyone, so do you take the risk or not?? up to you!  

cars racing to fast down the road, won't kill everyone, but ..  do you go cross the road today? choice is yours!

not everyone walking home in the dark will get mugged! do you want to walk home tonight?  ...again your choice! we can take precautions still even if we choose to go out (ie.. not have the flu jab!)

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 15:33 on 23rd October 2009

I have to agree with Jason on this one. It's a choice we each have to make individually. If you fit the list for those who are at high risk for the flu then by all means go out and get the shot. But if you aren't at high risk and are basically strong and healthy, why take the risk?

Even those in the medical profession admit that getting the shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu. In some cases the shot can actually kill you (i.e., you have a severe allergic reaction or the shot exasperates an undiagnosed health problem).

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 15:56 on 23rd October 2009

I had surgery 4 years ago this month.  I asked my dr. if he thought I should get the flu shot (since so many people get sick with it from being in the hospital). He replied that it would probably be a good idea and so I asked him, "Do you get the shot?"  His answer was, "no."  So I asked his nurse, the nurse at the hospital, the surgeon.  NONE of them get flu shots.  So I figured, "Well, they must know something I don't," so I declined it.  (I've never gotten one).

New York state is trying to make it mandatory for health care workers to get the swine flu shot, and they are balking, and rightly so, IMHO.  I believe, like Jason and Diana, that it should be a choice.  The nurse they interviewed for a story about it said that she'd been working with people with the flu for over 20 years and had never gotten sick.  So when I tried to figure out why so many people who are actually handling sick people don't get immunized and don't get sick, the light bulb went on over my head.  How many times a day do you suppose they wash their hands.  I think that might be the key.  Don't pass a sink without washing your hands.  And get in the habit of doing it as soon as you walk in the door from outside.  And train yourself to keep your dirty hands away from your face.

As for the swine flu shot, I haven't yet decided whether or not I'll take it.  There have been many cases of people without underlying medical problems having to be hospitalized and some have also died.  It's a very scary strain of flu.


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quotePosted at 15:57 on 23rd October 2009

My sister works in a hospital and has daily meetings with doctors and she too refuses to get the vaccine. Too too risky.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:09 on 23rd October 2009
On 23rd October 2009 15:56, Ruth Gregory wrote:

 I asked him, "Do you get the shot?"  His answer was, "no."  So I asked his nurse, the nurse at the hospital, the surgeon.  NONE of them get flu shots. 

Very telling, indeed, Ruth!

I tried to figure out why so many people who are actually handling sick people don't get immunized and don't get sick, the light bulb went on over my head.  How many times a day do you suppose they wash their hands.  I think that might be the key.  Don't pass a sink without washing your hands.  And get in the habit of doing it as soon as you walk in the door from outside.  And train yourself to keep your dirty hands away from your face.

I am with you 100% on this one, Ruth. I am a cumpulsive hand washer. A result of working with ourside vendors all day.

I am also big on wiping down my desk, phone, computer key board, and mouse with disinfecting wipes at least once a day. Twice if I actually go out for lunch and someone else is at my desk to cover for me.


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