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The Gurkhas are told to go - shame on you and your Government Gordon Brown!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:06 on 19th March 2008

This rotten Goverment is at it again!

Consider that you have spent over 20 years fighting for this country to be told in an instant that you must now go! You are being kicked out, no longer required, done you're duty, surplus, ex-WD - because that's what it amounts to. The treatment that these guys are getting is beyond belief!! Now hear this Gordon Brown, your Goverment is a dead duck already, but you could save an ounce of dignity by insisting that these guys get what they deserve.....the support of the British Goverment! They must be allowed to stay, and oh by the way, if you want to know who you should deport, drop me a line because I could give you a list of undesirables living here that have done NOTHING for this country (apart from taking the benefits), and who are still pouring in! Probably kicking the Gurkhas out to make room for them, after all somebody has to cut the lettuce, and harvest the potatoes! SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR GOVERNMENT GORDON BROWN!

So now lets hear it from the POE members, what do you think about it? Lets see what we can do to help in the struggle to allow the Gurkhas to remain here.  

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Dennis Bailey
Dennis Bailey
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quotePosted at 10:29 on 19th March 2008
The Gurkhas have been in the thick of it for a long, long time. Where they go others only dream of following. We cannot let them go, it would reduce the effectiveness and quality of the armed forces and make no military sense whatsoever. Our own home grown soldiers to a man hold them in the highest regard. We cannot let the government do it.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 13:39 on 19th March 2008
Oh they will go, until the Government finds themselves in a bigger war and then it will be, 'Remember the Gurkha's? We need them now.' And like a typical government, they will expect them to rally to their beck and call.
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quotePosted at 21:08 on 19th March 2008
All i can say is to repeat the heading on you put on here Ron:

shame on you and your Government Gordon Brown! 

as they say in the House of Commons (well the ones that are still awake anyway)....HEAR! HEAR! 

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quote | editPosted at 21:48 on 19th March 2008
Everyone must know by now....this Government has no shame.
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Alan Marron
Alan Marron
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quotePosted at 05:28 on 23rd August 2008
On 19th March 2008 10:06, Ron Brind wrote:

This rotten Goverment is at it again!

Consider that you have spent over 20 years fighting for this country to be told in an instant that you must now go! You are being kicked out, no longer required, done you're duty, surplus, ex-WD - because that's what it amounts to. The treatment that these guys are getting is beyond belief!! Now hear this Gordon Brown, your Goverment is a dead duck already, but you could save an ounce of dignity by insisting that these guys get what they deserve.....the support of the British Goverment! They must be allowed to stay, and oh by the way, if you want to know who you should deport, drop me a line because I could give you a list of undesirables living here that have done NOTHING for this country (apart from taking the benefits), and who are still pouring in! Probably kicking the Gurkhas out to make room for them, after all somebody has to cut the lettuce, and harvest the potatoes! SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR GOVERNMENT GORDON BROWN!

So now lets hear it from the POE members, what do you think about it? Lets see what we can do to help in the struggle to allow the Gurkhas to remain here.  

The Gurkha regiment is stationed at Catterick, which is not so very far from here, and they regularly join our Remembrance Day parade in Spennymoor. They're not only very brave soldiers, they're a great bunch of lads when you get to know them.  A year or two ago, one of our old veterans, resplendent with the chest full of medals he'd earned, was at thew RD parade, and I asked a couple of the Gurkhas if they'd mind posing for a pic with him.  When they said yes (immediate response) it really made his day, and I was only too happy to give him a copy of the pic.   I'll try to dig out some of the pics I took of them and post it on the Spennymoor page, if I can remember to!
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 13:27 on 23rd August 2008
It is so sad the way people are treated these days. I remember my dad talking about the vietnam vets that came home and people ignored them, spit at them. How horrible after all they did for our country. It was not their choice to go to vietnam. They were following orders.
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Alan Marron
Alan Marron
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quotePosted at 15:40 on 23rd August 2008
On 23rd August 2008 13:27, Catherine England Schleunes wrote:
It is so sad the way people are treated these days. I remember my dad talking about the vietnam vets that came home and people ignored them, spit at them. How horrible after all they did for our country. It was not their choice to go to vietnam. They were following orders.

How very right you are, Catherine.  There is a terrible lack of respect, and unfortunately it seems to have spread everywehere.  In my book a lack of respect for heroes, which is the only way you can describe men or women who have put their lives on the line for things we take for granted, is a caused by parents who have failed to instil any real values into the children., often because they have none to pass on.

Sorry.  I really shouldn't get on my soapbox!  Now you know why.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 16:46 on 23rd August 2008
On 23rd August 2008 05:28, Alan Marron wrote:
A year or two ago, one of our old veterans, resplendent with the chest full of medals he'd earned, was at thew RD parade, and I asked a couple of the Gurkhas if they'd mind posing for a pic with him.  When they said yes (immediate response) it really made his day, and I was only too happy to give him a copy of the pic.   I'll try to dig out some of the pics I took of them and post it on the Spennymoor page, if I can remember to!

That picture would be perfect for POE. Pictures of England, People of England. I am looking forward to seeing it.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 17:40 on 23rd August 2008
On 23rd August 2008 15:40, Alan Marron wrote:
On 23rd August 2008 13:27, Catherine England Schleunes wrote:
It is so sad the way people are treated these days. I remember my dad talking about the vietnam vets that came home and people ignored them, spit at them. How horrible after all they did for our country. It was not their choice to go to vietnam. They were following orders.

How very right you are, Catherine.  There is a terrible lack of respect, and unfortunately it seems to have spread everywehere.  In my book a lack of respect for heroes, which is the only way you can describe men or women who have put their lives on the line for things we take for granted, is a caused by parents who have failed to instil any real values into the children., often because they have none to pass on.

Sorry.  I really shouldn't get on my soapbox!  Now you know why.

You're right Alan. I guess with all the 2 income families these days it is very hard to have the time with your kids. And sometimes it isn't even that. People just do not have a regard for good clean living anymore. With all the technology kids spend more time on that than social skills, learning how to interact with others, what is appropriate and what is not. I have to run. I'll be back later.
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