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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 09:12 on 3rd July 2011

Spending the week in the Lakes as some you already know. Journey across no problem, left home, Hull 10.10 saturday arrived Asda Kendal to do shopping 12.30. Thought of having lunch at a lovely little pub in the village of Ings, but didn't bother. Cars parked all over, car park, grass verges the lot, so reckon it's a very popular place. Went to Bowness and managed to find 1 spot in our usual carpark. Sat outside a pub, can't remember then name, with intention of ordering food, but ended up having a couple of very welcome beers and then made our way to our cottage in Ambleside about 4.30. Everything unpacked and put away within an hour, been so many times we know where everything goes. Had a quick sandwich with a bit of rabbit food and went for a walk. Down the the Watersedge Cruiser terminal sat in the sun for an hour or so. Took a cardful of piccies. Still very warm at 7.30. Wandered back into the village, all the pubs where we left them in December. Had a quiet pint in the Golden Rule, then back home before 10.00, still quite light.

Sunday very nice, sunny, warm, blue sky no clouds. Planning a walk up to Grasmere and then back over Loughrigg, via Loughrigg Tarn and Lily Tarn. Should get a few more piccies and wouldn't bet against ending up at the Watersedge Inn, for a pint at the lake edge. Perfect end to the day to my mind.

Time of next installment uncertain, but there will be one ! ! !
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Marjorie Pope
Marjorie Pope
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quotePosted at 14:03 on 3rd July 2011

I am gradually turning a delicate shade of green Dave!!  :)

Glad the weather is being kind!

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quotePosted at 18:52 on 3rd July 2011
There's nothing gradual about my green shade! LOL.  Looking forward to the next installment and batch of pics!
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 20:25 on 3rd July 2011

Me too, Dave.  It sounds like heaven.  Hope the weather holds out for you.

That's my kind of vacation.  Like being home, only in a new and beautiful place.


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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 21:25 on 3rd July 2011
Thank you ladies. Sorry to hear about your colour ! ! ! Certainly started well but weather man's beginning to annoy me. Keeps saying it gonna rain a bit on Tuesday and Wednesday ! ! But today. . . .  .  .scorching, must have been 22c, if not a bit more when sheltered from what little breeze there was. Did a walk maybe 10 miles. Ambleside to Grasmere, where we had packup lunch in a park followed by a huge chocolate icecream then. Followed by a fairly strenuous  calorie burning walk down to Loughrigg Tarn, quite small but pretty then back along the southern edge of Loughrigg to partake of a couple of very refreshing ciders sitting outside the White Lion. Didn't fancy beer needed something lighter and refreshingly cool. Took tea in the garden of the cottage under a beautiful cloudless blue sky, still very warm then but cooled off a bit now. Just gonna drop todays pics onto the laptop and see if there is anything worth posting. Planning a boat trip and walk tomorrow, so that could be fun... Hope your colours improve overnight 
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 21:35 on 3rd July 2011

Again, my kind of vacation, Dave.  And what a perfect way to see that beautiful countryside - on foot, although a 10-mile walk might be a bit of a stretch for me.

I don't think my color will improve until you finish your travelogue.  :-)  Is it a fairly easy drive from the Lakes area up to south Scotland?  We're thinking about that area for the next trip.


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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 21:50 on 3rd July 2011

The Lake District and Scotland are very close, but obviously depends how far up into Scotland you are going

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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 23:01 on 3rd July 2011
Food for thought, all this is sounding great Dave and I hope your week continues in the same wonderful manner. Keep the pics and the running commentary coming.
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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 18:22 on 4th July 2011

Do the best I can Vince, in fact we went on the car ferry you mentioned in your mail last week. 18 cars at a time and takes about 4 minutes to cross. £4.30 one way, but reckon they might do deals.. 

Started today with a walk down to the lake at about 7. On my own and by the time I got back, only out an hour or so, she who must be obeyed had got packup sorted, which I thought was very decent of her. Followed that with a quick walk to the shops for some extras and then a short drive to Coniston, although it took almost twice as long as it should cos some muppet didn't know what the right pedal for.....certainly knew what the middle one does though..... Went far a 40 minute cruise on the Steam Yacht Gondola. Very enjoyable. Blew half a 4GB card on a couple of swans with 2 very small cygnets pictures will follow but still got loads still to sort from yesterdays jaunt, let alone today. From Coniston drove a couple of miles to Monk Coniston and found a quiet little spot for lunch. The short drive to Hawkshead then beckoned but we went straight through to Near and Far Sawrey, sorry to say we did not stop Vince it seemed rather busy and the day was too good to be indoors, Parked up near the car ferry took a short walk down to the  lake and had an idle half hour sat by the lake. Simply because 'it was there' and we would have had to drive best part of 20 miles in the heat we decided to take the car ferry across to Bowness. Found the nearest carpark and sauntered into Bowness, Sat for a while by the cruise berths, had an ice cream, (that's 2 in 2 days! ! !, must stop this extravagence). Just deciding where we're gonna eat tonite. My choice will be The Unicorn pub, their steaks are absolutely superb, although I think the trout may go down nicely tonite. But there other equally good suppliers of sustainance for the hungry holiday maker so she who must be obeyed might decide differently. Apres dinner drinks will probably be taken in the Royal Oak or the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is agreat place. No music machines, only gambling machine and that is hidden away. Just good beers and aimless banter with the locals, and if you ain't careful tripping up over their dogs. Tomorrows campaign not decided yet all depends on what lies the weatherman has in store. May get back for an update later. Must try to sort some piccies while the wife tarts herself up. See ya later... 

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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 22:00 on 4th July 2011

Dave, sounds like a very good day, a little bit of lots of different things to do and enjoy, glad all going so well so far. It seems strange you commenting on the place we are looking forward to going to, on the Far Sawrey side of Lake Windermere our cottage is just a few hundred yards north of the ferry( think we might be exempt ferry charge) and was there a big queue for the ferry?

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the pics when they come.

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