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A picture tour of Morcott - in the county of Rutland
St Mary's, Morcott
St Mary's, Morcott - by Ken Ince © Member Login

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St Mary's, Morcott

The oldest parts of the church date back to the first part of the tewlth century. The tower, or at least the lower two stages of it, date from that time. This early structure would have been quite basic, with the north aisle being added in 1150, with the south aisle being added 40 or 50 years after that. The chancel was lengthened in the first half of the 13th century, with a chapel being added to the north side. Extensive alterations were made during the 14th century, during whuch time the south porch was added, along with the clerestory, with the third stage of the tower being re-built at the same time. Much restoration was undertaken here in the 1870's. Four bells hang here. North, in his Victorian study of church bells in Rutland, looking in to them in some depth. The first in the ring was made by Thomas Norris of the Stamford bellfoundry in 1637. The Norris family had operated from their premesis in Stamford since the early years of the 17th century, and they were prolific in the area. The second bell is from Francis Watts of Leicester and is undated, but just noted as 16th century. Watts died in 1600 and was active from 1564 until that time. It is an alphabet bell, which this founder cast on a regular basis. This bell contains all the letters of the alphabet from A up to O. The third bell also is dated as 16th century, this one coming from Newcombe at Leicester and having the simple inscription S MARIA, The fourth bell is from Thomas Eayre I of Kettering. The inscription on this one reads IHS NAZARENE REX JUDAEORUM FILI DEI MISERERE MEI GLORIA PARTI FILIO ET SPIRITUI SANCTO 1726. I have translated this as 'Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews Son of God in glory Father Son and Holy Spirit.
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Photographer: © Ken Ince (Gallery)(18th January 2015)

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