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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 20:50 on 3rd January 2013
A lot of them about RuthUndecided
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Marjorie Pope
Marjorie Pope
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quotePosted at 21:24 on 3rd January 2013
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 05:23 on 4th January 2013

Know it alls....hum...that's how I feel about them passing the marijuana laws in Washington State and all around us here lately.As if we don't have enough problems in life...and the ones that really need the stuff for medical reasons generally get it. So guess how many young kids will probably try it out now..and they have been for some time with the computer industry around also. Wasn' teven three days into the New Year and one user has already killed an pedestrian walking across the street "stoned" from marijuana...they were going to arrested him for drunk driving and discovered it was marijuana he was stoned on instead. Innocent victim died. Whenever your not of your own mind have crossed the line to potential problems that could really mess up your me it ain't worth it. Maybe tonight it's all about the next time about the time you miscalculate distance, or seeing about that time when your tired and set your house on fire by mistake. Not worth it.  

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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 12:49 on 7th January 2013

I don't like people driving vehicles while texting on mobile phones.It causes loss of concentration and some drivers have a bad accident.

I don't like people driving vehicles under the influence of recreational drugs.The police have caught thousands of people who failed a drug test.Drugs can cause health problems too.I met a very thin man in hospital and he told told me his lung cancer was caused by recreational drugs.

Edited by: Ken Marshall at:7th January 2013 12:52
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 14:11 on 7th January 2013
I've got quite a few pet hates. And depending on the mood I'm in determines which one annoys me more. 
Just two for now.

People driving using mobile phones, or just generally poor drivers. Scraped up many who have done this, and their victims.

People who abuse taxpayers money.   Our society of self entitlement. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 21:54 on 7th January 2013

Pet hate for me has to be the neigbours b....y cat that insists on s.....g in my garden for the kids to tread it into the carpets!

All cats should have bags tied to their backsides! lol

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 22:01 on 7th January 2013
I have nothing against cats, my little ginger furball is well trained. What I think you need Ron, is a water pistol strategically aimed and fired at (as Cartier Bresson said about his photographs) THE DECISIVE MOMENT. I think that might make them think twice about coming back WinkTongue out In other words get them were it hurts.....
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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 12:00 on 8th January 2013

As I get older, the only thing which really strikes me as true is the quote from Benjamin Franklin 'In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes'

Death we can do nothing about. Taxes certainly wind me up. As a pensioner, I am still taxed heavily. And they wonder why the economy is broken and the high street is full of closed shops? Tax people less, and people can buy stuff again. 

Edited by: Edward Lever at:8th January 2013 12:54
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 14:15 on 8th January 2013
I am also bothered with cats in my garden --5 in total from various  neighbours --i always make sure the deposits are thrown over into           their own gardens.Smile
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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 14:32 on 8th January 2013
Unfortunately, James, a prowling cat is regarded in law as a ferae naturae and as such its owner isn't responsible for its actions. You may therefore be acting illegally in randomly returning the cat's excrement, unless of course you wish to gift-wrap it. However, a dog's owner is responsible for the dog's actions and you would be within your rights to return a dog's excrement to its owner in the form it was delivered.
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