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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 02:15 on 30th December 2012

Let us know how your good New year is going Barbara...we may need to hear about it now and then. The "other" Shirley in the family was an older person..and school teacher...back east that started the printing of the Larkins Book...many many years ago. I'd have to go back and find it again in my files to see what her maiden name was though...there have been many teachers in our family...I use to talk to one that was an coach for Ohio State University some years back, might still be working there..and then Maxine's son "David Perry"...who was teaching at OSU in the humanities after he returned from China and studying thier culture...he has his PHD as an college professor.  What makes me hate my intruder is that I am not an chronic mispeller...when it happens, its not always because I put things down that way, I shut down my computer in the middle of some add-ons recently for several days. I have been using my hubby's computer...his security has now blocked twice someone trying to change his "home page". this is how my interference was with my registry...if they can not mispell my words to make me sound in-coherent...they are willing to attack my registry and possibly our home pages also and I hope they get stopped dead in thier tracks from doing this to us. I really do hate whomever this is. I don't likeall the add ons either...they should be unnessesary for the most part.

News said on Christmas Day 17.4 million people used electronic applications from new devices they had acquired as gifts.

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George Woodward
George Woodward
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quotePosted at 19:56 on 30th December 2012

My pet hates,people who drop litter and fly tip,graffiti,and parking vehicles on pavements with no thought for other peoples safety and dangerous parking at road junctions.Policemen who drive by vehicles parked in such a manner and don't stop to make the drivers of the vehicles aware of how dangerous their parking is,ie. not doing their job for which they are paid.

 People who smoke.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 20:24 on 30th December 2012

Say, every 7/11 mini-store(graocery) over here I understand is now selling some kind of "fake" cigarette to puff on intstead of the dangerous kind with all the hopes of getting people with less of an smoking habit. I was correct about the marijuana law that passe din Washington State recently also...few days into the new law they arrested an hit and run driver...they took him in for find out it was not liquor...but marijuana. Anyway...the fella he hit was killed. You know that old "excuse" that an little marijuana never hurt anyone..biggest lie around these days...and has been for an long time.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 22:11 on 31st December 2012
Arriva bus drivers who put their foot down when i am approahing a bus stop then you have to wait half an hour for the next one--i only use em twice a week and thats enough.Frown
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 20:39 on 1st January 2013

Hi James.....

Might as well as get down to the nitty gritty in this thread.....

Never having enough money or the same time...where I could really go places and do things if I did have.

Not getting help to up date the house and keep it looking tip top.

dirty anything....

yummy food with lousy high calories

being to cold in the winter and to hot in summer. 

Not getting enough sleep

having people that put you down.. so they can lift themselves up an notch or two I suppose also.  

Generall chaos and fear mongering.

wet.... smelly.... socks.

Stomach gas.

Bad health all together...

movies that make me want to wet my pants watching them...and I have little kids that can't be left alone by themselves.

Critters that crawl that should stay outside...critters the fly...that should stay outside.

Husbands that don't make any sense to me in thier thinking.

People that get up at the crack of dawn for an brisk run around the block in lousing weather...when they could be sleeping in.

More then several contridictory statements on the same thing.

Not making any progress for the better.

Lousy Tv shows.....

Pits in my orange juice.

thinning hair line...women just don't go for them.

Cussing to much...from beign around guys in the first place to much.

Bad habits.

Computer "contorllers" and "add-ons" that shouldn't be necessary

Guess that covers many of them.... that irks all in in life.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:46 on 2nd January 2013

We had a games night (board games) New Years Eve. Most of the people there were in their twenties (they think I'm fun, so invited me along). Five out of eight of them were texting on the cell phones CONSTANTLY through out the night; and then it would be there turn and its like 'oh! What are we doing'.  I left early, I just couldn't stand it.  

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Marjorie Pope
Marjorie Pope
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quotePosted at 16:58 on 2nd January 2013
Oh how I agree with you Sue!!  It's so RUDE.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 17:47 on 2nd January 2013

I get sooooo sick of all the NEGATIVE threads B****ing about this and that! We live on such a beautiful earth and need to spread the love much more and think more positive. There are always going to be rude and obnoxious people and government in this world creating havoc everywhere for everyone. 

I think it is our duty to be an example to those younger than us who have no manners, no purpose in life and don't care about anyone but themselves. Time to teach others how to respect each other and love unconditionally!! Search for the good! SMILE and LAUGH more! Smile 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 21:56 on 2nd January 2013

Well, if they can ever be allowed to quit the high competion of life to have anything to call thier own..they might do that CathyE..but until then..I doubt much is going to change. They see and  are taught by life it'self that the guy that has all the control.. over others.. is the leader...and that's the way they will they to someday might be called "successful"....if not that, they are made to fit into little squadrons of the same "sheeple" order to survive. Everything right now is geared to not think for themselves if they want to participate..  Life has always gravitated to these ideas in a way...but just it hasn't been as accessible... until electronics came along. If you don' t have an freind in the world, wherever your at.... you can always "text" to talk to they do.

They had an interesting bit of insight in this morning's paper...the fact that local food to the low income...have found out that the when the need for food arose even was the lower income already living off thier food.. that was sending an can back via the school food drives.. to be given back to snowcap once short wasn't the middle high class group of people supplying the " new" donations of  food to hand out to others. It was those that already were going without... helping thier own kind. Did not our politicans do that raising thier own wages, and benefits over the years and passed on the problems to everyone else.. but their own kind..Ah, yes..that's why we are having the problems we have today. What was it Kenny Lay was doing when he was around....buying new businesses constantly so he'd never have to pay any taxes, claiming no profit that year..yet the schools ran off the corporate taxes paid in. None paid..the school funding wasn't there. So, where was everyone sending thier kids...Head start.. and Government run programs. That alone should see an up coming crop of "pardoned" illegals running our Government in the days ahead...they will be the only ones having received an decent education in thier youth. Had something been done to stop them from coming in to our country to begin with...things might be different..but to take it away from them now will probably see rebellion...and who will be the dying...the natrualized US citizen...born and bred here to begin with. Some of our best home raised male and female high school students are now dead in going to Afganistan and the middle east to fight wars while these illegals took over their jobs and liveihood...and to some degree our government jobs also...our businesses through Govt. grants also. .For many we are told we can't say these "truths".. because they aren't nice....even if it is the truth. Not saying it simply doesn't make the matter disappear either. We are indeed our brother's keeper...yet they say one of the richest men in the world is in Mexico. When people asked they helped to educate the people coming over the border...they sent all kinds of school spanish...not English....since they seldom want to give up "connections" to Mexcio... they also sent Mexican politicans into California to support them in thier politcal voting. The Mexian Govt in the past has also said that they consider their people over here as soverigned Mexican citzens..that do not necessarily have to respect our country's don't harbor ill relations toward them if they break any laws..who pays their passage back to Mexico to deport them...the US citizen, through his taxes does. What do the criminal element of them do...they take out an passport with an different name and cross the borders again. In years past they have murdered 6,000 people there to assume illegal indenties. That is why you have people here "gun-toting" these days. Of course when they get into the hands of those that are mentally challenged to begin with..things go bad. You can well bet that some of them were the ones turing in the guns for an $100 credit card recently in and guy by back program. They have an much free access to them as they want down south of the border. Just like they do "drugs".

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quotePosted at 20:41 on 3rd January 2013

I've just happened across another - know it alls, that know it all, but don't Yell


And never will Wink 

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