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Was 2012 an good year for you...or bad..what changed the most in you opinion?

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:33 on 24th December 2012
Comments welcomed..
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:40 on 24th December 2012

Well for starters Shirley we had, and are still getting, copiuos amounts of rainfall. I have never known it to be so bad and our thoughts go out to all those affected, especially throughout Devon and Cornwall right now so that's not good!

Then there was a massive swing to UKIP and Nigel Farage and I believe that will be very good for the Country.

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Syd Harling
Syd Harling
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quotePosted at 21:27 on 24th December 2012

2012 started off very badly for me with my wife being so ill and then dying in April.

Happily it has ended on a happy note with me having pulled myself together and turned things around. Ending off the year having found a new love is the biggest change for me. I am happy again and look forward to a 2013 filled with happiness and love.

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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 22:09 on 24th December 2012
 Bad- nuff said
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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 23:48 on 24th December 2012
50 weeks to forget and 2 in Ambleside....say no more
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 06:11 on 25th December 2012

Interesting...we had our ups an down's here step forward and two back as they say. One out  of 10, I'd give it about an 7 or 8 maybe overall. The highlight would have to be the black triangled UFO hovering over our I know how Art Bell felt when he said ...something you can't describe in ways... and something you'll never forget.  Most people are saying they thought the year was for the most part "deceptive" on things in general.

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quotePosted at 12:35 on 25th December 2012

Good Day! Attention medical has not been progressive, citizens are unpheasant discourage of seasons! Weather has been mostly pleasant! Happy holidays! Enjoy the day!


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Rod BurkeyPremier Member - Click for more info
Rod Burkey
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quotePosted at 12:48 on 25th December 2012

Photographically it’s been a bit of a Curate’s Egg. I’ve taken less pictures this year due to a heady mix of inertia and dull weather. Of the two, inertia was probably the dominant force.Travel provided plenty of chances to take pictures in Spain, The Caribbean, The Isle Of Man, Wales and England. Maybe some of my best work was from outside England thus not suited to POE. I also took a lot of people shots which have given me a good record of those I know and others.   

My resolve for 2013 is to get out with the Nikon more and perhaps take pictures with a little more “edge”. Street photography and urban landscapes will remain a passion too.

Personally, 2012 was kind to us.

I’d like to wish all the very best to all POE members for Christmas and a fine 2013.  

Time for me to peel some sprouts!





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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 13:29 on 25th December 2012

2012 has been a wonderful year. 

I was able to visit England and have an absolutely smashing visit with all my long-time friends and relatives. I got to travel around this time, which I was not able to do while my family were alive. I even made it over to the east coast, where I have never been before.

My oldest son returned back to the states from his assignment in Korea, and then later in the year really returned home when he got out of the army. In spite of the economy, my he had a job lined up for him on his return. 

My husband and boys are all gainfully employed. I did lose my job when my boss decied to take a break from being a rural Doctor. He will return in 2014 and re-employ me. It actually worked out well in the long run, because if he had continued here, then I would have had to give up my position as his medical assistant while going through my chemo and radiation treatment this next six months. So you see, his leaving was a blessing in disguise for me.  

Our little family are together for Christmas for the first time in several years. We are all healthy and happy (Cancer aside) and looking forward to a wonderful 2013.

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Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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quotePosted at 10:35 on 26th December 2012
Not a good year for us,all i can say is roll on 2013
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