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Good Day "36"

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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 14:44 on 29th October 2012
Hi Syd I have sent you an e mail,
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 17:33 on 29th October 2012

Good morning..Pippa Middleton was on Tv this morning..her new cookbook just came out. Now if we only had an bookstore in town selling it. Guess I'll havr to go to Amazon and look for it maybe.  I wonder if sister "Kate" will ever do her version of an cookbook.

Back on my diet good so far this monring..but resting an bit...took an anti-biotic tablet to help my mouth along. Was up most the night watching the wind blow those big trees of mine. They all turned color this time.. with this incoming storm. Watching Hurricane Sandy on Tv also. Suppose to hit New Jersey by tonight..but much of it looks like it's on shore already to me. I don't see to many of those high rise buildings backed with even plastic across the windows on the inside in case any of them should get hit with flying debris of any kind. I think the fear of the subway system taking on water is more then anything else.   Lower areas look pretty secured though...sandbagged. ..subway areas look closed and ready to be shut down for access with higher planks of boarding around them.

So far it's an pretty quiet day around here. Last night when I mentioned that I had some electric blankets on...I looked around and here's both cats, had tucked themselves into the grand-daughter's bed...side by side...on top the electric blanket..I had to laugh in an way. Cute looking to see them. Content and happy looking. They ended up with me in bed though last night.  Miss kitty has this thing about liking to snuggle in the fuzzy blanket between my feet where Ican toss the end of the blanket over her. Where as he prefers to be on guard duty and sleep on the other side and ready to take off on an run should the occasion arise. But I've been known to tuck him in also with part of the top cover fuzzy blanket over me. I turned the electric blanket on me also last night...let it heat up and then shut it off.  That was before I went out on the sofa and got to watching the trees swaying back and forth most the night. Reember the old song called "Poetry in motion"???

I keep this short...besides I have an story coming up for you many of you know who "Maybelle Shirley" an historical person?...hint she's wild and wooley and has quite the reputation. I never knew she existed until recently. she will be another post enjoy your day everyone.

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Posted at 18:41 on 29th October 2012

Waiting with baited breathe to find out who Maybelle Shirley is!!

Hi everyone!  Hope you are having a good day.

Thinking of those members on the Eastern Seaboard of the USA!  That weather is looking pretty scary and even before it has got there places have already been flooded with the high seas and winds!

I am really hoping everyone will come through safely and without heartbreaking damages!

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 19:01 on 29th October 2012

I am with you on that Cathy,,our Barbara is in the Washington area,,prayers for her and her loved ones please!!

Hope all have had a good day,,,,enjoy the evening....

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Posted at 19:10 on 29th October 2012

Isn't Cathy E also in the East and Diana and Krissy?  There seem to have been massive evacuations in some areas and there are warnings of mass power outages!  Hope everyone is safely far enough away from any destruction and devastation! And that everyone's lives will quickly return to normal afterwards!

It sounds as though one of our frequent (at least this year they seem to be more frequent) storms in brewing.  I hear the thunder!  So if I disappear you will know why! 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:45 on 29th October 2012

Yes, they are all back east Cathyml..and the winds were clocked atcoming in around 90 MPH...I find this sotrm an interesting one in the way it is coming in it's an rarity that is becoming to much common the last year or so...and most storms go off land toward the east and not spiral into the land like this one does...the only reason I mention this is because it's taking after many of Mexico's hurricane and they go over thier country and off into the Pacific Ocean to become later they typhoons in I wonder what is making this happen but the wrong kind of playing around with the weather patterns across the USA as from in the past? Iaccount for Mexico's weather pattern because it sets near the equator....and it's VERY dangerous to change could literally change the air or jet currents of the entire world...create unusual yearly "seasons" also at the wrong time. Some of that was beginning to happen when they cut down to many trees in BRazil here some time back, though supposedly the scientist screamed so badly they stopped the logging down there. Ok...I'll post this and get to the story.

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Syd Harling
Syd Harling
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Posted at 20:13 on 29th October 2012
On 29th October 2012 14:44, Peggy Cannell wrote:
Hi Syd I have sent you an e mail,

Thanks Peggy, I got it and replied sending you a link to my pictures. I hope you got it and that it has worked. The pictures I took in the Cape and on the West Coast are brilliant even if I say it myself so I hope you can see them. The silver BMW you can see in some of the pics was the car my friend lent me whilst we were there. A good friend he is to be sure.

I went to a neighbouring town for supper tonight but wish I hadn't. I was half way out of town on the old windy road up the hill when a HUGE storm broke. There was so much water on the road I thought I was driving a boat judging by the bow wave. It started to hail so turned of to a view site above the city where I was able to get the car under a tree to protect it from the hail. In the villiage in between here and where I was going (Hilton) I went through a puddle so deep the water came in under the doors and wet the carpets. I have never driven in a worse storm in 47 years of driving in this country and few thousand miles in the UK.

I collected my cousins in the villiage and then took the motorway to the next town. Suddenly we went into another storm and were reduced to about 10 mph on the motorway with HGVs throwing up spray all around us. Once I turned into Howick (where we went) I drove into another puddle which was even deeper than the one in the villiage. More water under the doors and nearly went off the road. Thank GOD I have amazing tyres on the car because they kept their grip. The tyres shifted so much water that there was a massive spray being flung out sideways. Anyway the supper was good and reasonable. R25 (about 1pound 70p) for fish and chips and a pint of lager. Doesn't get better than that.

Hope all is well with you all. Good night.

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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
editPosted at 22:04 on 29th October 2012

Maybelle Shirley was teh daughter of one John Shirley, she was born FEb. 5, 1848. Her father was an farmer and ran the Carthage Carthage, Missouri. She was educated at the Female Academy there.. becoming quite well read...also an competent panist of her day...during the Civil War she lost her brother "Bud" as to being an Southern guerilla...her father never really recovered from his death, he sold his property and went to Texas. She helped drive on o fthe wagons they took on the move and was at that time only 16 years old. After the war she fell in love with Jim Reed...who the family knew in Missouri...and was also an guerilla fighter. She married him in Collin County, north of Dallas Nov. 1, 1866.  An yearlater Myra Maybelle and him lived in the Reed home located in Bates Co., Missouri..where she gave birth to an daughter...christained as Rosie Lee...called "Pearl" most her life.Her husband more interested in gambling/horse racing eventaully became part of Tom Starr's gang of rustler's. Starr an Cherokeewas dealing with stolen cattle not to soon thereafter and lived on the Cherokee Nation land dubbed as "Younger's Bend"...storieslater went that they knew each other in Texas also and was Belle's first love and Pearl's father...though he always denied any connection.Into rustling, whiskey running and an killin gor warrant was put out for Jim Reed, and he fled to Califronia..later joined by his wife and daughter. On Feb, 22, 1871 the Reed's had an son...they named him James Edwin, after his father and mother's slain brother.Kicked out there for passing counterfit money...the family moved to Texas...Bosque County..where they settled on an farm bought for them by John other troubles...he was eventually unfaithful to Maybelle and she moved back with her children to her parents house in Scyene, Texas. ...into other trouble Jim Reed was eventually killed Aug. 6,1874, near Paris, Texas..leaving her destitute and an widow. She rented otu her farm, and went to Dallas, where she sent Pearl to school..her father died

in 1876,,,and she drifted into Indian territory where she married Sam Starr...and yung Cherokee four years her junior. Belle Starr as she was now known was an citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Jesse James would later be hiding out at their remote "Younger's Bend' home...which they now called "Belle Starr Creek". Depsite her education she was never really into the Ladies societies of the day, and prefered her solidtude...reading books.. She appears to not been to much of an mother image either...putting pearl's illegitimate baby up for adoption without telling Pearl about it...and her only son spent more time with his father Jim Reed;s family then with his mother. In 1883...Belle and Starr were arrested for theft of two horses...because of this story connected to the famous "Hanging Judge" known as Issac Parker and Jesse James living at their home off an on...the courtroom was packed for this four day trial..and she was tagged as the "queen" of an bunch of horse thief's. Belle and Starr were both found guilty. Because of no previous convicrions, thier sentence was reduced ot one year in priosn in Detroit. Pearl

was sent to live with other relatives...but problems even followed them around by others from then on..people ready to gun them down, or make trouble for them...managed to kill Tom Starr at an Christmas Dance, once again leaving her an widow. She again married an Jim July..Cherokee.. because of her land right's being in jepodary...him being an younger "study" in crime under her husband earlier Tom Starr...even calling him Jim July Starr...he was 15 years younger then Belle. Pearl later became an prostestute...and eddie also was arrested for horse stealing. Belle was killed on her horse in an ambush Feb., 2, 1888...her attacker was thought to been an near by neighbor named Edgar Watson....who had gotten into an clash with Belle earlier. She was buried near her cabin, with no religious ceremony...her life wracked with violence and lawlessness.She was known as one of the West's most notorious females, onlyCalamity Jane out did her in the notoriety of the day...she had often been referred to as the "Bandit Queen". 

AS Paul Harvey would say...."And now for the "rest of the story"...

The pictures of this woman reveal to me that she was most likley very much an Native american woman...I would say pure bred if her father has any Cherokee in the Cherokee applications there is no "Shirley" family...but there is an "Sheril..ll" family and is already into our Barlow kin out here from the Kentucky area..and I beleive to been Lawson I think our" Polly Shirham" that married John Lawson's son/brother that was killed in Virginia is the same surname.... and reason of my research work into them.  Sherill daughter married Gov. John Sevier of Tenneesee...nuy went the same path as many of our family associates...being Lancaster Co., Pa through the Shanendoah Valley of Augusta Co., Virginia, into North Carolina as possible Indian captives and then into Tennessee and then Kentucky and Missouri. Starr here in  Oregon I think was an wagon master/guide to the pioneers going west. He settled south of the Warm Springs Reservation after settling here and then I lost him in records also. Cherokee records tell me the family were known earlier by the name of "Dearskin" and "waters"....and most likley that would of been ""walker" not waters.  We have an early Mary Lawson that married the famous explorer and noted doctor... "Walker" family...given land grants in Tennessee. Our "Read" family doeshave an brnach called the "Reed"...and perhaps the name establishes itself after the translator and Indian teacher of John Read later on..thier affilation as also with John Lawson...teacher and surveyor is part of our continuing problem of "truth" in these lineages to record them correctly.  On my hubby's grandmother...Nellie Brown her mother is listed as an "James" family...out of Ky. Brown's were also part of Missouri's first Govenor's family.  WE have an story of them moving and involed with an brawl in teh HIll/Evans Fued of Kentucky that historians say has been partically "mad up" to sound great...I think because someone wants to cover over the Native American affliation. The "Shirley Plantation" is in Williamsburg, virginia and was owned by the Hill family. it has an distinctive feature in the stiarcase with no visible means of support under it as is noted in most houses. There was an sheriff named John Lawson that was "shot in the back" I use to have an story compares with an Christmas Story of an man that was wounded with and gun shot wound in his back...and found by an bunch of missionary workers in the desert Southwest...the nuns took him and healed him...and before he left...he built them an staircase that seemed to "float in the air"....and when I saw an picture of it...I immediately knew it was one like the "Shirley Plantation" had in it. my next writings on them will touch upon the mining situation....and has already with the "Herkimer Mine" in New York (crystals) and family and Indians there. My husband's father name was "Opal William" and he named his oldest daughter "Ruby" it does not surprise me to see an "Pearl" mentioned in this story. I have also found one in connection to the Augusta County early days with George Lawson also. As to Belle...she's not "Lawless" she is acting typical Native American of the day...they were taken from the  parents as children and most of them sent or forced into "Female Academy's", often Catholic...the so called "savage indian" beaten out of them daily...if they survived it, many were dressed as the finest of Eupoean women and extremely well educated and mannered...many as women were later on "raped 'by thier indian warrior husbands..or family. Done so because they believe in "mother side" or matreial legacy assumption of tribal rights....and that the mother raised and supported the males...and the rest of the family unitl they turned which the son's were sent to the father's side to become warriors and the women stayed with the mother's side until marriage....after they were expected to create thier own "mother society"....and female "prostitution" was another name for the reconigzed "fertillity" in assuming wealth to "carry on" the the women an era where women were not expected to own anything... but keep everything operating.  I have one report of where 23 guys more or less gang raped the later chief's wife to make sure that the entire tribe was included in the birth of an new generation. In short..her "son" born was an part of all the warriors by way of blood rights. This is why  you have to understand their cultural customs to understand reading an story like the one above. AS per the tribe...they think nothing of "ownership" over tribal affliation also. What you own is what you posses that no one else is currently using. Only "white people" thought of ownership individuallly...particualry by way of written words. They signed treaties never really understanding that they were giving up the right to not own the land they signed off. they thought they were making an signautre to say it was OK for others to travel through their grounds and be paid for doing it. That was an customary thing for all Indians to do as an courtesey of travel across the lands recongnized as the terriotry of an certain tribe.  AS to the James family...they were also part of the group these of friends involved in the Civil War Days...that never wanted to see the Union win over the South. Cole Younger and his three brothers were in cahoots with the James Brothers as part of the Younger outlaws...they mostly robbed Banks and the railroad...and some considered them as an modern "Robinhood" of the day...others as cold blooded killers. It seems for the most part..there were the good and the bad and  who was who was noted by who had the authority back then.  I don't see Maybelle as anything to much different from the ususal Native American trying to make an living back in those days. Rather theyare part of the family..I have no idea as of yet. The James Brothers do not look NA to me...but they could be part of the rememants of what little was left of the Delaware Indians lines at the time. indians do have an that incorporates death to fit into today's world and not be subjected into slavery by "Eurpoeans" in the process. When I took a picture of my hubby's grandmother...and I wanted an copy off it, I asked Ruby and she said..OK go down and get an xerox...I was surprised to find out that dear lady was completely in cased in her photo by an "white" that is well known to be an protective one...the picture was not framed either for an flash back on it off glass either.  Nor did it appear on the photo lent to me..I took several other copies...and they all turned out that way. Your guess is as good as is mine...considering her hubby was an suppose? I've only seen one other time of an "divine light" surrounding someone...and that was me...when I was doing and experiment and had someone say an " prayer of protection" over me. That was done on an camera where by the pictures self processes it'self and you wait so many minutes for it to develop. Strange things abound...I found this story...and of could of been entirely "made up" also. People like an story... and when they do...they will say about anything.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 22:13 on 29th October 2012
WOW    what a story  keep em coming Shirley --where did the Woodson come in was it a maiden name somewhere along the lineSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:47 on 29th October 2012

You mean Watson?.....I didn't say to much about the "Young" family who were preachers at one time also with the Native American Indians also...the "spears" married them...whom were Indian Scouts and guides. They hid out in West Virginia during teh REv. War and refused to be an part of the war itself..but some of the lines were "British" as was some of my Read/Reed family. The Lawson files have been reopened up over here amoung the family due to somethings I've written. The historicans ask me questions and often times I tell them the truth James...or at least what I've found to date. this James Reed was probably an son of the James Reed that lived near our family out of Springfield, Illimois. I think he is also the one I picked up with the Lawson's out of Pittsylvania Co., Va, at one time and inheirted by way of the Cooper family for some reason. Thatarea of Pittsylvania Co., Va was an land grant area for the militaryduring the Rev. War supports quite an few NA's also...who were often scouts and guides in the war era. My Read family doens't become Reed until they move into Ohio. They were quakers though in the was Benjamin Franklin's wife Debra Read. I have an long list I've been compiling the name Read also. As I may be the "Reed" were the Native Americans off the "Read" family...famous military group in Virginia Days...but not quakers.  I'll have to poke around and see what comes of this story later on from what I find. James Reed of Springfield, Illinois I have an story on..he went to California also...and married an Virginia Murphy...they were caught at the tail end of the people called the "Donner Party"...of them they called one of the family members "grandmother Sarah Keys" and that story has been changed now James...I wish I'd never let the family get their dishonest little German hands on it....they have made it into an " lie" these days....for their own glory I suppose Murphy's are married to the HIlls...but the female of this started out an Larkin name. We have our Read/Redd family and its not supporting an "James" in it any where that I can see...he might of been an cousin though. Springfield, Illinois was where Abe Lincon's family went to after leaving Kentucky before his Presidency. Lincoln's maternal lines are that of an John Lawson also...but not the same one as is George Lawson's kindship that we know of so far.  George Lawson was an ship Captain but he also was an teacher we think to the earliest of the Native Ameircans near Jamestown, Virignia's founding days. I also picked up records as having been possibly an brother to Sir John Lawson (admiral of his majesties Navie)..and also was "knighted" by the queen. He helped close many of the monestaries in England after the Civil War there.George left various records stating problems of selling huge church bells for their metal apparently.

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