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Good Day "36"

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Posted at 14:37 on 17th December 2012
Jason...yes! A real one this time too! Have you? The Xmas season is going by so quickly! Erin went to see the tree in NYC last night! I wish I could have too! How are you doing!?
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Jason T
Jason T
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Posted at 14:45 on 17th December 2012
Cool!! Yep a real tree too!! :)
Wow bet the one in NYC is nice?
I'm fine thank you, you? Got a few days off, and.... Off for Christmas!! :). Work has been hell! 
Ems 15!!! And nearly famous! :oD  I'll tell you later but not on forum! 
So..... Have you got your bread and milk stocked up.... Penknives and torches etc... For Friday and doomsday?    Guess what! I haven't!  :oD
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Jason T
Jason T
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Posted at 14:47 on 17th December 2012
I'm going to photoshop a bloody smile on your profile picture!!  It's a nice shot but.....SMILE woman!! :)
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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 15:10 on 17th December 2012

Hi to all, good luck Sue and very best wishes.  

Marjorie who for the final, I guess Kimberley,  Lisa looked like crying last night but I think they are all brilliant so nimble, and so much to remember not like a good old waltz to Victor Sylvestor.

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Posted at 15:14 on 17th December 2012

I forgot about Friday!! I will bet there will be a lot of people partying that day! I can't wait to hear about Em's news! I can't believe she's 15! Erin is 10 now! Which only means we are getting older too!!

LOL..I took that pic while I was at work and very bored. I'll have to change it. I look a bit different now.

Hi Peggy!
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Jason T
Jason T
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Posted at 16:04 on 17th December 2012
Yes we are getting old!! :oO. ....... But wiser!! :oD or maybe not! 

Yes do it! Put another profile pic on!    

Haha yes lots of 'end of the world' party's!  They'll be so disappointed when they wake up with a hangover the following day! :oD
I have my basement filled with dried pasta and dog food! I a doomsday prepper! Not!!! :)
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:15 on 17th December 2012

Good morning everyone...have you heard about's 5 million musical records for free... and you can also access off Kindle HD, or I pod. As far as I know unlimited useage.

Jason and Krissy...heard about the over 1,000 typhoon deaths in the Phillipines recently?...surprised me hearing about must of been the tail-end of it that went through our area last night...dumped 3 feet of snow up in the cascades and apparently for some reason took out out my computer...why I have no idea..I simply unplugged the thing last night just to be on the safe side. Was watching this special on Tv about the "Royal Baby and William and Kate". Just watching them, they look like they have an special "something" between them that is geniune these days..I don't think Diana and Charles had that...kind of an bonding beyond normal. Think they will make for excellent parents if everyone leaves them alone. As to last night, power outtages this monring but nothign to serious and an few laarge trees are down but minimal damage to anything. Our blow up "Santa" wasbanging his head blowing back and forth to the ground, but unplug him and he's out of air and flat on his face I said to my sister..probably off budget and on the edge of the cliff....which reminds me that my "cliff" sent me an small dividend check..being Prudential Insurance and one to my hubby recently I need to take care of. I have been heeding thier finanacial advice for well over 40 years now. Had they not been there...the cost of my heart operation would of never been paid would of been an dollar down per week for the rest of my life. Now I look at medicare this summer andthat kind of sums up being "retired" now I guess you know. I would like to ask..when does the "fun" part of retirement begin?They took the rest of the toys in the toy drive I particiapted in this year in an mile long, bumper to bumper pickup load to the tv station for more distribution...they have already supplied Randall Children's Hosptal with toys. I was the only gal in Mr. Randall's class at the college you know that year for the supervisors and small businessadminstration class...along with all the guys from "Boeing"...except my brother in-law..he must of been keeping things running while they were at class. Teaching was his "night out" from his regular job which was the main personnel director for Bingham Williamette Industries and he flew weekly to Louisana I guess back then to one of their branch companies...must of been an fascinating job...he was unmarried. He looked it as an fiddle and "free" as they say...but with an very level head..Randall's are also my next door neighbors..but different ones. Well, I was pondering this morning of going to buy my hubby an new TV set for his room here at the house...but don't know with my " puter" acting up..he just paid for an top notch security program renewal from our server on it. I might have to take it in and have all the nasty bugs cleaned out of it. My daughter-in-law and some guy from comcast looked it over the other day.  I give it an few more hours just in case it has something to do with this storm last night.

I turned on the station for the special last night early to see an bunch of big busted "bimbo's"...acting like classic "Hookers" know..anything for attention scenario...they would of made even Prince Harry run for the hills I think. What's with the bust implants to them being "super sized" french fries these days?...I mean you can hardly see thier faces for bust line bulge...and they honestly look like they might fall over the other end is so small...and one reason they must be gathered "prop" each other up..and so two of them get in an fight and one phone call and Ican ruine her....Oh, spare me, how "un-humanitarian" just because someone doesn't agree with you.  They have an LOT of growing up to do with that kind of attitude. Mentally as well as spiritually. I almost shut the tv off...and did after seeing William and Kate...I just love it the way they smile at each other. You know being an bit on the sensitive physic side...I can feel and see things about other peoplemost people don't know...and I have yet to not feel an "special" something... when those two are together. I guess I go for now and ponder as to what to do with my computer...hum. I am getting the opinion that someone doesn't want me writing this book I've been working on...I would guess that they have been manipulating history is why perhaps. Don't dare have the truth be shown to even "think" the information over and explore on one's own I guess..the Middleton family are related to my mother's Larkin side as was Princess Diana an cousin's side also...small world we live is Mr. Prescott here in POE also..and the Rockerfellers of Williamsburg...helped to create "Colonial Willammsburg" ..which is comprised mostly of my hubby's side and in-law's also. That said, even amoung them there are the "good, the bad, the ugly" I suppose. Myself, I'm keeping my nose into Christmas and taking care of it this year...supposedly this Glacactic Core alignment with the Dec. 21 Mayan calendar is now underway...even though it's not Dec. 21st yet..stay alert people...and it will be an influence for an few days after also planetary wise. Most people have recinded on the worse..but stay alert anyway...things like this drastic  weather change is part of it most likely. Back on the diet real soon also. My brother sent me that fresh fruit/cheese basket to help on that one.Talk later on...

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:28 on 17th December 2012

I am on my hubby's computer this morning by the long as I have it/use it..I think I can squeeze in the tv set for hubby maybe...he needs an better one...and he likes watching the news at night and football games and so forth while I'm on the one's been helpful with his surgery procedures. In fact one of his therapy guys came in, sit in the rocker..with him in his office chair across from them and seemed to like the idea that he was in touch with the tv set, phone, and an comoftable chair all at once...that was there for anything HE wanted to watch or do. I also have an small "bar" inthis particular room and microwave for pot...when I came into the room, I noticed they quit watching an sports game and went back to therapy...such are the guys..heh? 

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 20:03 on 17th December 2012

Nice to see our Krissykins !! and Jason !!!! so good to know you came by..

Hope all had a good day.Going a bit crazy here in the rockies.... 

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Jason T
Jason T
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Posted at 20:54 on 17th December 2012
Phew.... Hi Shirley :)  nice to see you! 
That was a long post to read! 
Love the bit about your inflatable Santa banging his head! Should have played him a bit of music! ;)
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