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Prayers,,,, Please

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 15:41 on 14th August 2013

Our little Sara of 16 years passed away this morning, It happened so very quickly. She was/ is a beautiful Cat and we Love her so much.

I would really appreciate your prayers for our little one..

Thank You so much..

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 17:25 on 14th August 2013

Sorry to hear about your Cat Rick, but I truthfully struggle to work out how people can become so attached to animals that it effects them as this has done you.

Maybe I don't understand, perhaps because I spent 21 plus years in the pest control industry and that was all about putting down animals for various reasons, but to me they were just animals.

Anyway, some will understand Rick...Diana for sure, she loves cats so I am sure she will comment.

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quotePosted at 17:35 on 14th August 2013

Richard, so sorry to hear your sad news about Sara, our old lad Milligan is nearly 18 and I dread the day anything happens to him, he's been around so long there will be a big hole when he goes. We lost our other cat Jasper to renal failure, one minute he was fine, two hours later he was gone, only 11 years old and so quick it was a terrible shock.

Its a sad time I'll be thinking about you and your family. 

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 17:42 on 14th August 2013

Hi Richard

Sorry to hear about your Cat passing over to the great Cattery in the sky may she be blessed with love and light to continue that never ending journey in pets wonderland above.

Love and Light for you to help you bear the loss.


Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:14th August 2013 20:56
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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 17:47 on 14th August 2013
I'm not into prayers but i do have an idea of your feelings. they become a BIG part of the family. I had a cat many years ago for 18 years and she was missed terribly for a long time when she went. We now have one just turned 20 so that is gonna be a big wrenche when she decides she's had enough. Best wishes mate.
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quotePosted at 18:34 on 14th August 2013
Sorry to hear about  the loss of your little Sara Richard, after all pets are a big part of the family, and it's so upsetting for everyone when they go, my prayers go out for the little one, on what is a very sad day for you all.   Take care mate
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 18:49 on 14th August 2013

You all are so kind....

Thank You for your understanding and care..



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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 22:59 on 14th August 2013

I can understand your feelings of loss. I am not a cat owner, but many cats have visited our home over the years. A cat will choose you, not the other way round.

I do not believe prayers for the departed (whether human or animal) are of any value, but I'm sure you have many precious memories and photos of your beloved cat to treasure. 


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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 23:14 on 14th August 2013
On 14th August 2013 22:59, Edward Lever wrote:

I can understand your feelings of loss. I am not a cat owner, but many cats have visited our home over the years. A cat will choose you, not the other way round.

I do not believe prayers for the departed (whether human or animal) are of any value, but I'm sure you have many precious memories and photos of your beloved cat to treasure. 


A cat will choose you, not the other way round... Have heard that many times and believe that in a court of law that would be taken into consideration should any feline dispute go that far.

So if a cat stays with you as long as yours has Rick you should be very honoured and have every reason to be upset. I know I will be when ours goes.  

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 02:33 on 15th August 2013
Rick, my heart goes out to you! Pets become such an important part of our lives. I know little Sara brought you much joy. Remember, the grief you feel now is in direct proportion to the love you have for her. It would not hurt so much had you not loved so deeply. 😢😘
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