Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

In the Botanic Gardens


in the county of Isle of Wight

Lancing College Chapel


in the county of West Sussex

Annabels, 44 Berkeley Sq., Mayfair


in the county of Greater London

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Image Submission Guidelines


Filesize limit: 8MB MAX filesize.
File type: .jpg only (currently)

Image sizes / resolution:
To upload images for display purposes only, please make sure the images you upload are at least 1000 pixels wide with a resolution of at least 72ppi. You can still sell images of this size but probably not for print.
For images you wish to have displayed on the site but also be available for people to purchase, download and print, please make sure your images are at least 200PPI, preferably 300PPI.

For further help regarding size/compression/resolution, please see this thread here where you can ask any questions.
Another useful link: What Print Shops Really Want

Upload Limit: We currently restrict non-premier members to 5 uploads per day. To have this cap lifted, please consider becoming a Premier member as it offers invaluable support to the site helping to cover running cost and hosting, thank you. Click here to become a Premier member today.

Please upload
Natural looking, colour images of the landscapes and attractions in England

Please don't upload
Overly photoshopped images. Vignettes. Multiple black & White images. Virtually identical shots (keep them varied). Out of focus, low quality images. Images with people posing for the shot. Images under 1000 pixels wide.

They are sometimes allowed as long as they are not so big that they distract from the image, and they are not for advertising purposes.

Photo Subjects

We like -
Countryside shots and landscapes. Coastal scenes. Buildings - especially historic such as Churches, Cathedrals, Castles, Timber-framed buildings, Traditional cottages. Street scenes (city, town, village). Indigenous wildlife, and anything that shows off the beauty and history of England, including its people and culture.

What we don't like -
People posing for a shot in front of an attraction (or anything). Photos taken through car windows. Photos of unnattractive locations. Photos where peoples pets are the main subject (though there are exceptions!).


Please show your appreciation of other peoples images by commenting on them. This will also encourage them to comment on yours in return. Please always be kind and respectful when doing so, especially if you are giving a critique. If you think a picture shouldn't be on the site, please let us know directly, thank you.