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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 16:09 on 29th August 2008
That is what my daughter has. I feel for you. It can be very painful at times. 
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:13 on 29th August 2008
Lyn, I am so sorry to hear you suffer from this. What do your doctors recommend you do for it? Can it be cured or only treated?
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 16:33 on 29th August 2008
On 29th August 2008 12:43, Lyn Greenaway wrote:
I have something simlar to that Catherine, thats why I had to have a Colonoscopy, I developed Crohn's about 2 years ago, I'm quite old to suddenly get that, and its not nice at times Frown 

I'm sorry to hear this Lyn.  It's hard to have a condition that is on-going, and one so unpleasant.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 16:36 on 29th August 2008
Crohn's does not have a cure and they still don't know what exactly causes it. There are medications but in some cases when the disease is bad enough there is surgery.
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quotePosted at 18:40 on 29th August 2008
Correct Catherine, there's no cure but it can abate for years sometimes. I'm on tablets for it, I have to take 6 twice a day, some days its better than others. Diet doesn't help, so you can eat whatever you want unless you KNOW it upsets you. Although they don't know what causes it the doctors and I reckon it was down to an infection I had in my blood for 8 months after coming back from Northern Cyprus...I was really quite ill and I lost 1.5stone in weight through that, and ended up with Crohn's.  I've travelled a lot and this is the only time I've come home ill. Ah well, there's alot of people worse off than me, so I don't complain. Smile
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Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 20:36 on 29th August 2008
Elsie and I feel for you Lyn. I am glad the pills help. Elsie was put on Pentasa at first but she cannot swallow pills. The first doctor refused to treat her because she could not swallow them. She has a fear of choking. She went two years before we could get her a good doctor and then the first thing they did was a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Then they put her right in hospital with steroids, antibiotics, Pepsid, nutrition in an IV. She wasn't allowed to eat for a week. She was on what you call "bowel rest." SInce then she has been on the mend. As long as she gets her infusions every 8 weeks. Hopefully since yours came on later in life it will never get too bad. At least that is what I pray for you.
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Susan Wood
Susan Wood
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quotePosted at 20:41 on 29th August 2008
I had a colonosopy when I was 21 and the doctor called all the students in to have a look at me, in situ!   Had IBS since then and my father and aunty both had Crohns, so I do understand Lyn.  Keep smilin tho and you will beat it.  My dad was a great one for having a laugh and it works wonders. LOLLaughing
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 20:45 on 29th August 2008
You are right Sue W. Laughter is the best medicine for all things!
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quotePosted at 21:26 on 29th August 2008
Thanks everyone, I just take it day by day, I take Asacol tablets, what with them and my blood pressure tablets I will rattle soon!  As you said Catherine, I got it late in life so maybe thats a blessing, unlike you poor daughter, and everyone else who gets it young, I feel for them as they have the rest of their lives to live with it.  The most common age is between 15 and 30ish I think, but I had to be different and wait till I was 55 LOL Such is life......
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 00:05 on 30th August 2008
You are just special Lyn!!!!! Very Special in my book!!!
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