Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages



in the county of Angus

Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire.


in the county of Hampshire

Hucking Attractions

By Name - By Distance - By Type

Hadleigh Castle, Essex

Hadleigh Castle, Essex

Built by the Normans on the approach to London, lived in by 3 queens; Catherine of Aragon, Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr......

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Tonbridge Castle, Kent

Tonbridge Castle, Kent

A fire in 1088 destroyed the first castle at Tonbridge, and the evocative remains we see today are of a later castle which was.....

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Smallhythe Place, Kent

Smallhythe Place, Kent

Ellen Terry's early 16th-century house and cottage gardens, containing a unique collection of theatrical costumes and personal.....

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Bayham Abbey, Kent

Bayham Abbey, Kent

Built in the 13th century, and set in beautiful surroundings, Bayham Abbey is a favourite of painters and photographers...

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Knole House & Deer Park, Kent

Knole House & Deer Park, Kent

This is one of England's most glorious houses. Set as it is in the midst of a magnificent park studded with ancient trees, the.....

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Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery, Kent

Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery, Kent

The Canterbury Royal Museum is housed in a magnificent Victorian building of russet brick and impressive black and white timber.....

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Canterbury Cathedral, Kent

Canterbury Cathedral, Kent

This magnificent cathedral has been a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of years. It was the scene of Thomas a' Becket's murder.....

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Sir John Boy's House, Kent

Sir John Boy's House, Kent

The Crooked House of Canterbury, otherwise known as Sir John Boys house, is an eye-catching feature of Palace Street, and is.....

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Zoo, Basildon, Essex

Basildon Zoo, situated in Essex, is a popular wildlife attraction known for its diverse collection of animals. The zoo offers an.....

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Eynsford Castle, Kent

Eynsford Castle, Kent

The ruinous walls of Eynsford Castle in parts stand 30ft high, they are a relic of one of the earliest stone enclosure castles.....

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Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent

Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent

The remarkable remains of Lullingstone Roman Villa lay hidden for centuries, and were only revealed in excavations of 1939. Prior.....

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