Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Chichester garden


in the county of West Sussex

A picture of Belton House


in the county of Lincolnshire

Historic Market Towns in Cheshire

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Congleton, Cheshire

This lively market town stands on a bend of the River Dane, it quite possibly takes its name from the Celtic word "congle" which in English means "a bend"...

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Frodsham, Cheshire

In the medieval times Frodsham was an important port and borough belonging to the earls of Chester...

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Knutsford, Cheshire

Its name derives from Canute, the great Danish King who is said to have journeyed this way when he quite possibly forded the local stream...

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Macclesfield, Cheshire

A small Market town in Cheshire..

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Nantwich, Cheshire

Today, Nantwich is a busy bustling place of business and commerce that still manages to retain its unique 'Elizabethan' flavour...

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Sandbach, Cheshire

Sandbach is a market town in Cheshire..

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