Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Langdale PikesStamfordSt James's Mount CemeteryShillingstone in DorsetClarkes GardensManor house

Writing for Pictures of England - Why not give it a go?

Writing about your village or town

If you have a passion for writing, or just have a passion for your local village or town and would therefore like to have a go at providing some information about it for publication on the Pictures of England website - please do so, as it really helps us showcase some of the places we list, by adding information for our visitors to read. It doesn't have to be much, just a paragraph or two about your local village or town, or something more indepth if you want to, either way it is greatly appreciated as it really helps the site grow.
If we already have a description for a place, but you would like to replace it with a more accurate or detailed one, please feel free to submit something for consideration, and the chances are we will use it, as we are always looking to improve the site in every possible way.

Thank you for contributing to the site.
Please send your work to:

England Articles

You can also submit stand-alone articles to our main England Articles section too, covering any topic related to England and the places within it. You could write an article about a town or village, an attraction, a famous brit, any English customs and traditions, myths and legends, traditional foods or recipes, a moment or period in English history - just about anything can be covered as long as it fits in with the site and you think our visitors would find it of interest.

Submitting an article

The best way to submit any lengthy articles is by writing it in a document first and saving your work, such as writing it in Microsoft Word, and then sending us a copy via email to the address above.

Thank you for writing for the Pictures of England website.