Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Lindisfarne Castle 2

Holy Island

in the county of Northumberland

Tissington Trail


in the county of Derbyshire

Picture of York

Image ID 1164813 Usage Terms

This Image (ID:1164813) is protected by copyright law and is the property of Paul Lakin © who is a member of this website. If you wish to use this image, it is available to purchase by clicking the buy image button below, or alternatively a small restricted size version is available under our free use terms and conditions which help to promote this website and its members images. You are not permitted to use this image for commercial purposes unless purchased under the relevant licence by clicking the button below.

ImageID: 1164813

Title: Kiplingcotes Station near York

Owner: Paul Lakin ©

Available to buy: No

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Please purchase the image if you wish to use it for any other purpose than what is stated below and you wish to use the image at a size larger than the permitted free use size of 250 pixels by 149 pixels. It is illegal to use the image at a size larger than 250 pixels by 149 pixels unless you have purchased the image along with the relevant licence through our buy image system, or you have strict written permission to do so.

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Kiplingcotes Station near York
Photo copyright of Paul Lakin
Buy images & prints of York at

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